
  • Reflected Stars

    He is her sanctuary,whom she falls into the warm and loving embrace of when she simply cannot face the world- when a task proves too difficult or if her emotions are too much to deal with on her lonesome. Comforting, gentle; his hold that encircles her scarily-slim waist is as just as fragile as the honey blonde herself as she seeks the much needed refuge from the outside world...

  • Much More, Much Better

    "—You can say what you want about yourself, you can tear yourself down and compare yourself to everyone else, but you're stuck with me, and I'm not going to let you so easily make yourself feel terrible. I think, I know, that you are beautiful, and I won't stop telling you that until you see what I see—even then, I still wouldn't stop reminding you. It's just how I am—"

  • Serendipity

    Serendipity. Such a word that is not used all that often when one speaks— in fact, it is hardly ever used at all, if you think about it, yet its very definition seems to occur so frequently within our own little busy lives that weave in throughout each other like the strands of a work-in-progress plait. Sometimes, on the very rare occasion, these little strands might meet...

  • I Swear, I'll Fall Asleep Soon

    Nights were restless for the black-haired trainer, for he could never seem to fall asleep or, at the most, stay asleep for long periods of time; constantly waking up every half an hour or so, only to find that the act of falling back down into the joyous but also cruel arms of slumber was near impossible for himself...

  • Precise Moments

    The honey blonde fell into a silence at the boy's questioning, her features contorting back down into that frown she wore so well as though it had been rehearsed but a thousand times. Yes, the boy did have a point in his words, a sliver of nothing but the truth, yet she could not help but find that one little side of her that wanted to protest- to say that she did not agree...

  • A First Time For Everything

    What was the point in this? Why was he even bothering in doing this- why had he accepted this job in the first place? To say that this black-haired boy knew the answer to these questions would be a complete and utter lie, for he was in the dark on his reasoning for having taken the job that was offered to him in a manner that suggested that it was nothing for of optional...

  • You'll Be Fine

    Heavy wheezes, a face flushed in blotches of a sickly kind of red, spreading down the boy's neck and arms- that was all in which could be seen to heard if one was to look at the black-haired boy at this point in time. Laid down on one of the cheap couches in the room, eyes wide with fear as his nerves spiralled out of control and his usual cool fled from him quicker than...

  • Fragile

    Lips pulled down into a tight and solemn line, hands clenched into tight fists as he resisted the urge to yell out and curse like a sailor at his terrible luck; this unfortunate situation in which she had found himself in. Yes, tonight he was meant to leave in order to get that extra bit of income his family so needed to keep not just he and his wife good and well...

  • Shipping the Valentine's Love Around

    Valentine's Day themed drabble! Contains AgencyShipping (Black x White), ConflictingShipping (Green x Leaf), SoulSilverShipping (Silver x Lyra), SequelShipping (Rosa x Hugh) and JeT'aimeShipping/KalosShipping (Serena x Calem)

  • Goodbye, my friend

    (Contains moderate ideologically sensitive material and gore.)