Jiminy The Cricket

  • Metamorphosis - Alternate Ending

    At the end of Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka I found the char-lady's last line a bit odd and I initially thought it was because he had turned back into a human and was alive so didn't need clearing up. This is the alternate ending where this happens. It begins as the Samsa's are preparing for their day out at the end of the story.

  • Not My Decision To Make

    "He'd finally allowed the humans to control their own destiny, more than most of his past lives had ever done for them. Of course they weren't meant to thanks him, life or death decisions were something he was all to used to, and of course they were horrible to make, but sometimes they were necessary..." The Doctor's opinion on the events of 'Kill The Moon'

  • Toothless

    Book Universe. Based on the line "A dragon lives forever but not so little boys" from the song Puff The Magic Dragon. What happens to the poor little common-or-garden dragon once Hiccup dies?

  • The End

    During the final scene of Mostly Harmless, just as the world is about to be destroyed, Arthur looks at Ford just before everything ends. This is what he was thinking. (I do not own The Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy) NO SLASH!

  • Bandages and Rabbits

    A one-shot vignette (could be a what-if? or it could happen in the canon of LOST) of what happens when Hurley protects Ben from his abusive father. Contains child abuse and a bit of blood.

  • Discovery

    Set after The Cricket Game: Instead of Belle rescuing Archie, Hook captures Emma and Snow and puts them there as well, although Archie is far more badly hurt than he was in the episode

  • Gunshot

    During yet another pointless quest, preceedings take a dark turn. Nostalgia Critic!whump (sorry, Doug)

  • Archie's Escape

    What if Hook hadn't gone after Belle, allowing her to find and free Archie? What if Archie had to escape himself, days and days later? Contains: References to Torture and a bit of blood

  • Donny

    What would have happened if Donny HAD been shot by the nihilists? This is my take on events after the nihilists arrive at the bowling alley. No Slash!

  • Hogwarts - The Teacher's Stories

    This story is based before Harry Potter was born. This is the story of Minerva McGonagall, Quirinus Quirrell, Hagrid, Snape, James and Lily Potter and most of the main Adults and Teachers in the Harry Potter Books.

  • Pseudenonymous Bosch - Captured

    We all know the stories he has told. We all know how terrified he is of who may find him, but one thing remains a mystery; what and whom exactly is he hiding from? And what will happen if they find him? Slight spoiler from the final two books concerning Max-Earnest, but otherwise spoiler free. Rated T for future chapter violence

  • I'm Sorry

    Mycroft never helped Sherlock with TRF and, wracked with guilt over selling his brother to Moriarty and other misdeeds in the past, attempts suicide.

  • All Your Fault

    Henry Blake's death hits everyone hard at the M*A*S*H 4077, but none harder than Hawkeye and Radar, and when Hawkeye takes out his anger and grief on the clerk in a drunken rage, causing Radar to run off into the night. Radar!Whump, Angst and Henry Blake feels... First chapter updated (new chapter to come soon!)

  • Push the button, Frank

    After TV's Frank's death and subsequent ascension to Second Banana Heaven, Doctor Clayton Forrester mourns and thinks back to the only friend he ever had... NO SLASH. Just friendship.

  • The Brother's Past

    After Mycroft is injured and hospitalised after an incident, Sherlock starts to get flashbacks to his childhood; memories which he cannot remember ever happening... Rated T for blood and possible child abuse in later chapters

  • The Redemption of Quirinus Quirrell

    Alternate ending to the Philosophers Stone. I always thought Quirrell deserved redemption. In this version Dumbledore and Mcgonagle have intercepted Harry just before he entered the chamber to meet Quirrell. However, it turns out that Quirrell was nothing but an innocent bystander to the events. No pairings (Definately NOT flipping Quirrellmort!) Rated K just to be safe...