
  • The Sun Still Shines Above the Clouds

    Harry, Draco, Hermione, Luna, Neville, Teddy and Andromeda all were affected by the war, and need a break. So off they go to Forks. Where they (of course) meet the Cullens. Stuff ensues. Drarry, Luna/Mione, Edward/Bella, Neville/Angela (?) and stuff. Another random story. To read or not to read, that is my question of you all.

  • The Wrong Child

    The Wrong BWL. Ron, Hermione, Harry, Triplets. Ron was 'chosen' as BWL and his siblings were shunned, forgotten, when in truth they were the ones who destroyed Voldemort, together. However the rest of the world doesn't know that and cares not for the emerald eyed twins. Instead Ron gets all the glory and Harry and Mione are left in his shadows, growing to hate him

  • Duplicates

    A story where Bree and Diego are reunited by luck, chance and vampire powers. They face the threat of the powerhungry Volturi and search for their friend Fred, along with the difficulties of adapting to a 'vegetarian' lifestyle. Pairings at current time - Bree/Diego