
  • Shape of My Heart

    His life was boring, bland. He had almost lost color sight, his heart all but turned to ice. But when a little girl claiming to be his daughter enters Sinister Strange's world, he's thrust into a new world and a new role where he has to come face to face with his misdeeds, and Cadence, the children's mother, may not have a choice but to rely on the man who murdered her husband...

  • The Demon's Miracle

    Based on the movie Winter's Tale. Everyone is born with a miracle within them. For Cassiel Wright, her miracle was meant for someone no one believed deserved it. For Pearly Soames, it's quite possibly a chance to earn "wings" of his own. Can a demon learn to love and love truly? And can a human love a demon for all he is? Pearly Soames/OC, a lot of OOCness. COMPLETE!

  • The Four Families War: A Meerkat Manor fanfic

    Meerkat Manor HUMANIZED! House Whiskers is facing a threat that stems from its own past. House Commandos is at war with itself as usual. House Zappa is nearly dead with all its hopes rising on the back of one girl. And House Aztec is on the rise to power and its Lady has her eyes set on the ultimate prize. Can the Aztecs be stopped or will the drama within the families bring ruin?

  • Iris

    Tannis and Sirena are doing well in Nome, despite living on the streets with their three pups. Anastasia, the runt of their first litter, is intrigued by a newcomer, Todd and the two slowly discover that maybe all their worlds have been missing is each other. Meanwhile, Erik seeks out Vulpecula, the fox he's doomed to love forever. Can they ever be together? Third in my series!

  • A Dingo's Heartbreak

    Just a short poem I wrote for my OC Rusty, and his thoughts on his life before, during, and after his life with his precious human. Not too good at poetry, but I tried.

  • Let It Go

    One shot! Yep, since everyone is doing a cover of this song, why not have my favorite OC, Rusty Aubrey, do one? Well, that's exactly what he does in this story. Takes place before What About Now. Rusty, despite all the crap he takes from Steele, accepts his wild wolf heritage and enjoys just a short bit of freedom. Lyrics are altered to suit the situation.