
  • Twenty Years

    WARNING, DEPRESSING STORY. Angela and Tony deal with another September 11th. Jonathan was killed in one of the Towers. I wrote this last year under duress. The Muse would not be denied. This work stands alone, in no other work of mine would I use this story line.

  • The Alternate Alternate Ultimate Angst Season 8

    Why have only one alternative to season eight? For angst lovers everywhere.

  • Season 8 Vignettes

    Bits and pieces of fluff that do not advance the plot of "The Season Eight That Lives in My Head...".

  • Wedding Bells Blues?

    A reworking of the end of "Wedding Bells?"

  • Happy 30th Anniversary

    Tony and Angela celebrate 30 years together.

  • Thunderstorm

    It's been a little rainy around here recently, I decided to put it to good use. I think this is a present day fic; it's definitely not a piece of Season 8 as I just checked those files and found a second (well first since it was written before this one) thunderstorm ficlet.

  • Homecoming 2014

    A surprise piece I had no idea I was going to write. Present day, angsty, sniffly; started under the premise of: What if Tony didn't return to Connecticut at the end of "Savor the Veal"?