
  • A Journey through Memories (Meeting the little Natalia)

    Follow Steve as he confides in his deepest secrets: his fears, his joys, his pains. I wish I could do better than that for the summary.

  • Retrouvailles

    Un an après son tragique départ, Hermione se retrouve à affronter ses vieux démons, et à ouvrir ses plaies qu'elle croyait fermer. Une rencontre innatendue va tout changer. Suite de l'OS "Retour du Champion". Merci de laisser des reviews

  • More than Lovers: Soulmates

    Hermione won the trial, Cedric is back and everything seems to be fine for our two lovers. But how a simple question can lead them to a more complicated level of their relationship? This is the sequel to Lover's return Spell. Rated T. terrible summary

  • Sunday

    Read and find out why Sunday is Steve Rogers' favorite day of the week.

  • Let Me Show You The Good In You

    A few months after S.H.I.E.L.D was taken down, Natasha is taken to court for her past actions. Steve is summoned to give his testimony but will, at the same time, understand more about where he stands. I don't own the characters. They belong to MARVEL.

  • Lover's return spell

    Hermione is in her fifth year. Like Harry and the other students, she can't forget what happened in the maze. But mostly, she's feeling guilty: she didn't help Diggory when he asked for it. Could bringing Cedric back to life be the perfect way to redeem herself?

  • Le Retour du Champion

    L'arène est pleine et attend avec impatience le retour du gagnant du Tournoi des Trois Sorciers...Mais de l'autre côté du parc de l'école un des candidats est déjà de retour.

  • Reunion

    A year has passed since the death of her boyfriend, and Hermione finds herself confronting her fears and opening the wounds she had been keeping burried deep down. An unexpected encounter is going to change everything. Sequel to "The Triwizard Champion's return" OS.

  • The Triwizard Champion's return

    Here we are. I brought you back home, you're safe now" she muttered while she was tenderly stroking his white cheeks. He didn't frown and his grey pupils remained still.