

  • Morning Glory

    Newly vegetarian vampire Garrett's impulsive decision to save the life of a Forks teenager from a menacing nomad impacts the young girl, the Cullens and the packs more than they ever expected

  • A Stolen Heart

    (No longer a one shot) Scarlet believed that every person deserved a chance. But she seemed to be one of the few people who thought anyone with the last name Chambers deserved a thing.

  • Baby Blue

    "I don't agree with anything you stand for, Jordan. But I find myself accepting it all. Because I feel that maybe if I bring myself to accept you, for you… you would possibly allow me to spend more time with you." I began to breath faster. What an unlikely friendship I felt as though I may had found in River Phoenix. (Takes place on the set of stand by me while its being made) R&R!

  • Eyeball's two black Cadillacs

    Eyeball One Shot. not many out there. Based on the song "Two Black Cadillacs" by Carrie Underwood. i recommend pulling up another tab and listening to the song on you tube if you havent heard it or even to refresh your memory. it will make a lot more sense. nothing is mine. thanks for reading. please R&R!