
  • How Many Kids?

    You know, you think that if you raise 9 kids to rid the world of evil, you would get thanked. Nope, you get visited by some heavy hitters from the Justice League and are condemned for bringing children into the crime fighting business. Whatever, it's not like you can stop your kids from beating up criminals in alleys, anyways. Especially if they learned that from you...

  • Form VII: Jedi or Sith

    Form VII; the closest a true Jedi can come to the Dark Side without being swept away by its power. Kanan has avoided it for years, knowing exactly what it could do. Now, stuck between a rock and a hard place, he must make a decision. Will he leave his crew out to dry, or will he yet again walk close to the abyss?

  • Taken, Broken, Stolen

    It was a frozen winter evening when everything he had ever known would be lost. He would be taken from everything he had held dear. He would be broken almost beyond repair. The last thing he cared about? That would be stolen from him.

  • Trying to Save the Earth

    Sometimes, saving a planet that you haven't been on for a few years is difficult. This especially applies to teenagers. So what happens when you throw a couple of them with some space pirates, mix in a few villains, and hope for the best? Oh yeah, this is going to get interesting.

  • Young Justice: The Original 7

    Normal was what the school year was supposed to start and end off as. Unfortunately, a strange and untold darkness threatens a potential friend or foe, and a small group of students will end up trying to be heroes. Throw in some science, some money, and a lot of ninjas, and suddenly your not worried about that English paper anymore. AU.

  • What Comes Out of Batman's Nightmares

    The founding members of the Justice League are all afraid of something, and all of their fears have been revealed... But what about Batman's? One-Shot. A bit on the darker side.

  • Pokemon:Across Worlds

    There's a lab in the badlands of the Kalos region where there are secrets. Terrible secrets. Thirteen heroes have been taken and fused with legendary pokemon. Will their rescuers find them? Or will they be left at the mercy of the greatest threat imaginable?Super!Crossover.