
  • Prince Of Hogwarts: Year One

    Harry Potter was taken from the Dursleys' doorstep as a baby by someone who could also handle children with accidental magic like wizarding families, but in a much different way. Raised and educated by people some call royalty and some call assassins, Harry takes to the world differently and is equipped with other ways and means to fight and knowledge of getting what he wants.

  • The Lost Files: Eleven's Legacy

    Number Eleven: When the Garde found her in Chicago penthouse resting, she's cold-hearted, indifferent, immensely powerful with many Legacies and unique abilities not known to the Garde, and reluctant to take back Lorien. See how she has developed her Legacies at the time of danger, how her good looks brought her trouble, and how the Mogs eventually catch up to her and her Cêpan.

  • Indigo High

    Ash was sent to Indigo High by his family in order to be safe from his family situation. He tries to make friends, and have a normal life like his siblings recommend, but with the Elite taking an interest in him, his life is anything but normal. Smart! Cold! Aura! Psychic! Ash.

  • Pokémon: The PAL Chronicles

    Ash has been hurt to hear what they really thought of him. Out of anger, he accidentally activated his aura that teleported him to an entirely new region: PAL. Four Years later, he became the Champion and is invited to a tournament with his own Elites. His life makes a turnaround from there and he must solve the mysteries that are putting everyone in danger, before it's too late.

  • Love Only Once

    Tsukiyomi Ikuto was on his way to the ward his friend was in when he met a young, sickly girl named Hinamori Amu. He fell in love with the pink-haired angel, and would do anything to help her- and win her heart. No one, not even his stepfather, not even his job, and not even her sickness, can keep him away from her.

  • The Alice Games

    Losing his brother to the Games is one thing. Being sorted to the District where the victor that killed him originated from is another. District 2 students are smart and strong, but vicious and cunning as well. As much as he would like to lead a normal student life there, with the Academy's regime and the top students having their attention on him, life is anything but normal.