

  • Ghost of Christmas Past

    It was a valid reason to have the small holiday gathering at Baker Street, Sherlock didn't understand why Molly might find it objectionable. She'd been enthused about the party idea, even offering to help Mary figure out decorations, up until the moment John mentioned that they would be using Sherlock's rooms.

  • DC's Harry Potter Drabbles

    A collection of Potter!verse 100 or 200 word drabbles or one shot fics that are 1000 words or less. Part 1 is a Table of Contents so you don't have to flip through all the chapters to find a specific drabble.

  • Reflection and Temptation

    "Reflection" is Hermione's thoughts one night at Grimmauld. "Temptation" is Severus' thoughts one night at Grimmauld.

  • Owe It All to Umbridge

    Sometimes you have to replace a bad memory with a better one. Especially if that bad memory was Dolores Umbridge in a pink negligee, hoping to get her hands on your bits. (Adult Hermione/Snape. Pure PWP with a side of humour.)

  • Beyond 84 Charing Cross Road

    Devsgma and Darnedchild have combined their talents to tell you the story of what has happened to our favorite pair. It starts with a few letters from one extremely grouchy potions maker to the manager of a used book store.

  • Neither the Laurel Nor the Rose

    The Malfoy family expects to receive the finest service possible, no matter what the task. When Draco seeks the affections of Hermione Granger, he enlists the aid of a careful wordsmith – one Severus Snape. Originally written as a 2011 SS/HG Exchange Gift.

  • It's All Fun and Games Until

    Answer to an old WIKTT Fun and Games Challenge. Severus is forced to spend the day with several students, including the ever annoying Miss Granger. (Originally written in early 2004, which was a very, very long time ago, please forgive me.)

  • One Final Detention

    Answer to the Detention challenge issued by Shiv ... a very, very long time ago. PWP with Professor Snape and Technically-Still-A-Student (by a matter of days) Granger, so if that is a NOPE for you, please feel free to read one of my other fics. Very amusing challenge requirements listed after the fic.

  • An Unexpected View

    A bit of fluff inspired by the prompt "A Muggle photograph, a pair of spectacles, and a map of wizarding Paris" - Hermione sees Severus in a new light. Originally written for Celebrate-SSHG on LJ.

  • Parvus Obitus

    Voldemort wants a potion made, and Severus is having difficulty finding the most important ingredient.

  • The Legend of Soggy Bottom

    Needing some time to regroup, Hermione travels to America to join a field crew observing the North American Sasquatch. She finds more than she bargained for.

  • While You Were Sleeping

    Death was supposed to set him free, one way or another, not leave him trapped in his own shattering mind and only the voice of Hermione Granger for a distraction.

  • At the Edge of the World

    They say you don't know what you've got until it's gone. Hermione's always been a smart woman; can she figure it what she's about to lose before it is too late?

  • The Unlikely Matchmakers

    All Ron and Harry want is for Hermione to be happy. Even if that means Snape.