
  • A Pawn's Desire

    Aiden, the Arisen's pawn, is becoming human... and falling in love with the Arisen.

  • An Apostate in Chains

    Anders has a small banter in the Mark of the Assassin DLC where he describes the mentioned fantasy, which inspired my muse to demand I write this. I really hope you like it!

  • My Herald, My Love

    Some interconnected one shots about Cullen and his love, Skyla Trevelyan. Chapter 3 is MATURE

  • My Girl Lola

    James finally admits his crush on Commander Shepard and tries to win her heart. Most chapters are general, but chapter 7 is M. DO NOT FEAR! This story has not been abandoned! Life has just gotten in the way. I promise there is more coming soon.

  • Dragon Age: Origins- Alistair's Tales

    These are all stand alone stories that still link together. I didn't write them in this order, but I put them in chronological order here. All stories are from Alistair's point of view. The majority of these stories are for general audiences with Chapter 7 being Mature!

  • Blackwall's Lady

    Blackwall made a lot of promises to Lady Lavellan, but now that all is said and done there's only one he can keep. Sweet stories, contains some spoilers

  • Tales of Mary Read and Edward Kenway

    Edward and Mary Read, if they had ever managed to get together. PLEASE NOTE- I would LOVE to respond to your questions and discussions left in the reviews, but if the review is left anonymously I can't. So if you'd like to hear back from me, log in before commenting. :) thanks

  • Kadan's Wake-up Call

    Aniah Lavellan gets woken up too early, but at least Iron Bull is in her bed. A MATURE story

  • Connor's Creed

    A few chapters about Connor from AC3 and my very first OC, Mahayla. Chapter 3 is Mature

  • The Wolf and The Hawke

    Fenris realizes his life isn't complete without Hawke and tries to win her back.

  • Tales of the Dragonborn

    Focuses on Angel, the tough as nails and secretive Dragonborn, and all the men around Skyrim who love her or at least think they do. Chapter 12 is mature, the rest I would mark T. Chapters vary in length and content.

  • Something to Live For

    A story about Kaidan and Shepard(female) after the fall of the Reapers. It includes most characters from the Mass Effect universe in one chapter or another. It also has background other couples(Liara/Javik, Tali/Garrus). POV switches between Kaidan and Shepard, bolded where it does. The amazing cover art is courtesy of Reellifejaneway2 over on Deviant art. Go check her out!

  • A Wanderer in the Wastelands

    A story about my Fallout 3 Lone Wanderer being the Courier in Fallout New Vegas. This series is fairly new, so expect more chapters on it soon!

  • The Alistair Chronicles

    This is the game of Origins from Alistair's point of view. I started to write this and then hopped around a bit in the story line as you can see with my Alistair's Tales. I'm not sure when the next chapter of these will be coming, but I like them none the less.

  • Shenko Dance Night

    A short one shot I did of Shepard and Kaidan that didn't really fit in my Something to Life For series

  • Sky's Story

    A story from Jade Empire that never turned into anything more than a one shot, At least for now.

  • A Companion's Holiday

    A one shot Skyrim story I did for a contest, pairs the Dragonborn Angel with Vilkas. Involves the same characters as my Skyrim series, Tales of the Dragonborn, but follows a different plot line