
  • Useless

    The relay was supposed to be Sousuke's time to shine. But instead, it turned his dream into a nightmare.

  • Fit In

    Kenma was the runt of the rest of the wyvern, and that unfortunately made life very hard for him.

  • Baby on Board

    Even with the fact that Noire was his daughter was proven, it never occurred to Henry that he and Tharja would actually raise a child of their own in their own timeline.

  • Close Quarters

    It should have occurred to Sousuke sooner that playing Seven Minutes in Heaven with a bunch of guys in a small closet wasn't the smartest idea.

  • The Mark of the Damned

    Lucina's worst nightmares come to a head one morning.

  • An Ocean Apart

    A long distance relationship wasn't something that Haru and Makoto expected, but they're making it work.

  • Going Easy

    Nanami and Hinata play Mario Kart.

  • Free dom Idols

    Haruka has always been able to sing, ever since he was little. Makoto...not so much. So, when both come across an advertisement for a new idol group, they see it as an opportunity for something new.

  • Healing

    Seijuurou may have been the strongest warrior in the village, but he was also the most likely to end up injured during every single hunt. Luckily, he has a mate who's there to nurse him back to health.

  • Quick Trip

    Asahi and Nishinoya take a detour before practice, but things get out of hand rather quickly.

  • Protector

    After Chrom, Robin saw Stahl as his closest friend. He would trust the Paladin with his life.