Stephane Richer

  • Before You Go

    She works on Sundays at the campus library (NishiKimi)

  • Insomnia

    Old habits are hard to break

  • Your Move

    Uta always makes the first move, even when he doesn't

  • Underfoot

    The basketball season winds down; he shoots hoops on his own or plays on the street for a little extra money. Some days, he just runs, though.

  • Home Without You

    It's weird to think that he looks good in Tatsuya's body, that that kind of body suits his mannerisms almost as well as it suits Tatsuya's.

  • Lift

    The infatuation will end soon (they all do)

  • Alternatives to Running

    Shougo doesn't hold it against him that he runs away, at least not more than he holds anything else against Ryouta

  • When You Wake Up in Kyoto

    Kiyoshi looks down at his hands again, flexing them in his lap where they lie empty and upturned.

  • Failure is the Only Optin

    Maybe the only thing lonelier than too much talent is none at all.

  • Next-Best

    what's wrong with wanting to make the one you love happy when he's so good at making himself suffer?

  • Weighty Matters

    When had he stopped running?

  • Future

    they may be stuck here but at least they're all together.

  • Handcuffed

    It's like they were handcuffed together and the key got thrown away (Ogiwara/Mochida)

  • Loose Arrangements

    this isn't a real omiai, but she's no coward

  • Dream Boy

    here they are real and here they remember everything and here he will never let this boy go

  • Be Proud When You Dazzle the Wondrous

    being three hundred meters out in either direction over an icy, polluted river makes him nervous in a way few things can or ever have

  • Wild

    Sometimes it doesn't feel real, this closeness and the quietness of the day, the tranquility—Shuu's hand traces a pattern on his palm absently as if it's in some language that neither of them really knows.

  • Allergy

    His breathing is labored and his nose and eyes itch like hell and worst of all is this feeling that's best described as half nausea and half arousal, an ache deep within him that he just can't get rid of or even get accustomed to

  • Constant

    they're scarred from battles and weary of the sea, of the rocking of boats and the slosh of the waves and the smell of salt in the air

  • what a view

    Furihata's big eyes blink slowly and Fukuda feels his heartbeat accelerate and his stomach drop as he can't force back the horrible thought that Furihata looks absolutely adorable.