
  • Campfire Stories

    Fire forges strong bonds. It doesn't always need to be enemy fire, though.

  • King of Stubbornness

    Ibuki's basketball talent can't be overlooked, and he is proud of it. If he doesn't rethink his attitude, the series of losses his team has to accept won't end, but he can't see reason. After a match against the school's girls' team, the captain tries her luck, but what can one say to a stubborn mule like him?

  • Traitors!

    That half-knowledge isn't the best thing in the world is no news. But sometimes, it can be downright dangerous. Why else should a seven year old boy turn his back on humankind, if not for a misunderstanding?

  • A tough nut to crack

    When Miyuki locked herself out in the rain, she seriously needed to find a roof. Well, how about the next arcade?

  • Nut jobs!

    When Yuuichi and Yuuka are left alone to wait, they happen to find a common topic to talk about.

  • Paper Lanterns

    Tsurugi was not voluntary at this festival. Not really, at least - Tenma dragged him along. But why of all people had she to choose him as companion? Fem!TenmaxTsurugi

  • Water Battle!

    It's a hot day at Odaiba soccer garden and Tenma offered to water the grounds. Nothing special actually, but what if his team mates come along and the captain acts a bit clumsy with the hose? That calls for revenge!