
  • Old Foe,New leader

    Set a year after Mechtanum Surge arc 2. An old enemy of the original brawlers' returns for payback. And one of the only chances they have is an old teammate who defeated this enemy. All the brawlers want him to be the new leader. All of them except Shun. Reason,this guy is in love with Alice and she's in love with him.

  • GX: a different story

    AU with OCs. Join Raito Atlas as he helps his oldest friend Jaden against the Shadow Riders,the Society of Light,etc. If Raito's last name and deck seem familiar,they are. Relationships inside.

  • Dark and Light

    A couple years after the defeat of MaloMyotismon,the Digidestined have a new challenge. It's a race against time to reach a treasure that can determine the fate of the Digital world. But the clear only map they had was hidden within their crests and Digieggs that were stolen from them. So the only way they have is in enscriptions hidden in Gatomon's tail ring.

  • Announcement and Teaser

    Basically what this is about is inside

  • Time for the soul to WAKE UP!

    Life for the DWMA is changed. Instead of worrying only about Kishins and Witches, now they also have to worry about the race of Fangire. But now they've obtained the powers of Kiva to help fight them, follow Wataru Kurenai as he helps Maka and the her friends fight the 3 main dangers to Death city

  • Just Live More!

    4 armored riders:Gaim,Baron,Ryugen,and Zangetsu are living their normal lives. But when a Dark version of Gaim appears,and uses his powers to take Gaim's soul away. It's up to the other three Armored riders to save their friend. But Dark Gaim is bringing people from different worlds to try to distract the trio. Let's just say,some get smitten,but they still decide to just live more