The Hatter Who's Mad

  • Assassins Creed WWII

    So, this is my first published short story, and if you have anything to suggest, friendly criticism is fine, but don't be all 'This SUCKS'. If you want me to continue with this, I have a few more ideas, just pm me :)

  • The Hatter's Winter

    This follows a boy, known simply as The Hatter, in 1890's London. He uncovers a plot to gain power, and gains the powers for himself. Follow his decent into madness, his first blood, and his untimely, but inevitable, death. Reviews are welcome and encouraged, I would like to know how I could get better at writing! :)

  • Last of the Freeworlders

    This is an epilogue to a book I'm working on. Yes, I did the epilogue before the book. Deal With It. Any critique is helpful, this is my second short story published.