Jo A Curl

  • Forgotten Realms New Damara Book 1 The Beginning

    Rewrites: Journy with a half scro half elf priestess of Oghma as she finds her way through a world filled with intrigue, prejudice, and adventure as she acclimates herself to the strange new world of New Damara in the Forgotten Realms. Hiding from the Scro Navy M"lar must make her way as best she can while seeking the knowledge that was long held from her.

  • Shadows Into the Looking Glass Children of Collinwood Chronicles

    Rewritten Vicki fights to find her way back to her own reality while Collinsport is experiencing a baby boom as a demon Incubus is populating his nest. Lydia Patterson finds herself drawn into the deception of the Incubus. She will have to decide if she wishes to live the rest of her life in hell or will she resist his charms and save the young girls caught in his devious plot?

  • Hell on Earth

    (3) Barn/Vicki Quentin, Prof Stokes, Julia, Eric all are thrown into the mysterious world of two warring gods Ra and Anubis. Will a voice from the past reveal the information of two women's long sought for identity? David is also confronted with his dangerous past with the return of his mother. How can they possibly suvive hell on earth when it comes from a god war? 1-7 rewrite

  • Darkest Shadows of Terror

    (2) Jeanette Collins finds her life steered to a self destructive course seeking answers she enters the alternate reality that had belongs to her mother Victoria Collins. Will she find her answers? Will she be trapped in a reality that is not her own? Or will she make the ultimate sacrifice to save herself and those she loves?

  • Temptations and Conquests Forgotten Relams

    M'lar faces the evil around her to keep her family safe. Being pursued by a blood thirsty Pirate Cap' Blood. The Scro Navy continues their pursuit to return the errent half scro half elf to the Priests of Gruumsh. As the evil grows surrounding the priestess she must make decisions from the tempations that surround her or become a conquest of the darkness that threatens to take her.

  • Paths Taken

    (2) Orig. Series Barn/Vicki pairing, picking up from Shadows Evil Embrace, Vicki deals with her trip to the past, finds she has more than one interested admirer and a stranger with piercing blue eyes and a taste for debauchery comes to town to stir trouble for all of Collinwood.

  • Winter Shadows of Discontent and Mayhem

    (2) Barn/ Vicki have settled into their new lives when disaster strikes, Liz Stoddard, Carolyn Stoddard and Maggie Evans are kidnapped by a blood thirsty adversary bent on retrieving what was taken from him, Vicki. Will she have to sacrifice her life or that of her unborn child to save her family? Or will she discover that she has a hidden talent she never knew was hers?

  • Fall Festival of Love, A Dark Shadows Original Series fan fic

    A/U with Barn/Vicki pairing. (1) It is fall and Vicki is facing where her life had been and where it is gone and with whom.. Mishaps and a mistaken identity from a powerful adversary threatens not only her life and Barnabas but the entire Collins Family. As Vicki learns about her parentage and where her heart truly lies. Will she find true love or be caught in nightmare?

  • Forgotten Realms The Charming Deceiver

    Rewritten with added chapters M'lar's life will never be the same when she is thrown into a plot to kill off the most powerful Psionist on the Island Of New Damara. She will find her life turned upside down as she battles the prejudice of the elven nation and the vengence of a scorned lover who will stop at nothing to see her become what he has become a demi lich.

  • Life After Death

    (4) TOS Barn/Vicki does life go on after death, how will this premise affect Barnabas and Vicki as he finds his life will become one with a Frankenstein monster that wants nothing more than to be as normal as the rest of the world. How will this affect the residents of Collinwood when one doctor decides he can play god and create new life through animation?

  • Shadows Evil Embrace

    (1) Barnabas/Vicki pairing o/s. This is a twist to the travel back in time. When Barnabas hosts a costume party at the Old House, the Collins family have a seance, Vicki is transported back in time to meet the original Barnabas and discovered it was not Angelique but Peter Bradford that brought the curse to Collinwood. Join us for the unexpected with all your old favorites.

  • Dark Secrets in the Shadows

    (5) Barn/Vicki pairing. Many secrets are kept in Collinwood and the Old House and many secrets are about to be revealed, some will have surprising consequences and some will fester and explode into more than the residents had expected. Will the Collins family be able to weather the telling truths or will this be the end of all those that live under the roof known as Collinwood.

  • Dark Shadows Revival Season Two The Book

    Barnabas and Victoria. My version of what might have happened if the series had continued and what might have transpired for the Second Season.

  • Children of Collinwood Chronicles

    (1) Barn/Vicki have grown children who are trying to carve out a normal life, however when one child was born to be the guardian of the hell mouth of the East Coast normal goes out the window. Welcome to the World of SHADOWs Operations. A covert government group that seeks out Darkness and destroys it. Nothing will be the same for Collinsport ME.

  • Shadows Summer Nightmares

    (3) Barnabas/Vicki are reunited only to be ripped apart, as the forces draw together to march an assault on humanity. Vicki finds herself trapped in hell. Facing a darkness that far outreaches anything she has known before now, she struggles to return to her love and family. Barnabas finds he has his own struggle as his curse is returned sending him into a blood lust.

  • Forgotten Realms Cross Roads

    Rewritten The continuation of Charming Deceiver, Can Kelson Kane stop the inevitablity of a God war once the pantheon realizes someone was able to make the perfect blend of orc and elf? Continue with the life and the trials and tribulations of M'lar as she continues to carve out her life on Tal Shador along the Sword Coast and fights to stay alive in the savage lands.

  • Dark Shadows Spring at Collinwood

    (3) Barn/Vicki awaiting the birth of their child, Vicki finds herself drawn into a nightmare world that awakens the darkness inside. Caught up in the diabolical plans of a doctor playing god, she reunites with an old ally and meets a new ally. Time will tell if Barnabas can save his wife and unborn child from being a creature of the night.

  • The Most Beautiful Girl in the World

    This is a one shot story honoring the men and women who fought for our freedom and how to Elliott Julia became the Most Beautiful Girl in the World to him. I hope you enjoy it.