
  • The Spaces Between

    "Music is the space between the notes" - DeBussy - A series of one-shots in the lives of Castle, Beckett, and their eclectic family. Ratings from K-T. - A MINOR: A Kate/Alexis Mother's Day entry. Kate continues a family tradition. (K)

  • Reflections

    Starts the Christmas Eve after Harry's 7th year. Snape reflects on his past and a task assigned to him by Lily Potter. COMPLETE! THANKS TO ALL!

  • Septimana

    How had it all become so complicated? Six years ago his biggest worry was dealing with Gina's wrath for not meeting her next deadline. Six years ago he'd never had cause to fear for his own life, or the life of his loved ones. A post-finale fic to tide us over until September.

  • Out of the Woods

    A post-ep for 6x17 - The missing reunion scene between the woods and the precinct. EXTENDED TO FOUR CHAPTERS.

  • A Brighter Path

    On a fateful Halloween night, Harry Potter becomes the BoyWhoLived. Now Dumbledore must decide where the child will be raised and it seems the Dursleys are his only option. But Severus Snape has information that could change Harry's life completely.

  • The Road Taken

    What if Dumbledore had listened to McGonagall on that fateful Halloween night? Where would the BoyWhoLived live then? And what if the Dursleys weren't Harry's only relatives? Not a Severitus challenge, but similar. CH 9 FINALLY!

  • What's In a Name?

    Instructions on creating a new name for yourself leads the Dream Team to hysterics. When Dumbledore gets a hold of said instructions, pure chaos ensues. ENJOY!

  • Resigned Fate

    I walk among the crowd, now oblivious to the whispers thrown my way. Yes, I know who – no, what – my father is, and everyone assumes I am him. I don’t bother to correct them, even if I wanted to. I just let them continue on. Not what you're th

  • The Black Secret

    Lily hid a secret from everyone...except her twin brother. Animagus, Quidditch, rivalries, and discoveries all included in this answer to Severitus' challenge FINALE UP! THANKS TO ALL!

  • The Last Sorcerer

    Fifth year fic. The Dark Lord learns of Snape's betrayal, & someone from his past appears suddenly. Hopes rise as Death Eaters are caught & prosecuted, but the only thing that can defeat Voldemort is a prophecy; one that involves Harry & Draco. COMPLETE

  • Amusement: Slytherin Style

    Two Slytherins cause mayhem on their off-time. Complete humor, and fun for Slytherins of all ages! Just a fun fic to demonstrate how warped me and my friends are. These are based on ACTUAL IM convos...no really, this was really conversed about.

  • The Love of a Dragon

    Draco and Hermione have a late night discussion in a darkened hallway. The topic: love -- D/G & a little H/Hr COMPLETE!

  • My Password

    A little collection of poems in a somewhat response to Severitus' Challenge. HARRY'S POV UP!

  • Harry Potter the Musical

    By all rights, this should be illegal. PG for.....umm....I'll get back to you. It's a humorous response to Severitus' challenge. LOL.....I am so ashamed........*sighs* It is finished.