
  • The Thing with the Fjords

    "This is the story of how I froze to death..." Rapunzel and Eugene came to Arendelle for the coronation, but now they're stuck in Arendelle until the storm blows over. Or until the fjords melt. Either one.

  • Lips Like Blood

    The first time he sees her she is trying to kill him, and if that doesn't tell you something about his taste in women then nothing will. Birthday fic for Blue. Happy Birthday!

  • Basic Genetics

    Calvin is six years old the first time somebody asks if he is adopted.

  • For the Love

    It's Father's Day and the question is: what do you get for the guy who has everything? Dick and Cass are patrolling, Steph is making Waffles, Damian and Tim are cancelling the apocalypse, and Jason, is, as usual, coming in the window late.

  • Play That Song Again

    The story of Nicholas Braddock-Wilson and Laura Howlett, told through parentheses and pop culture, in a non-linear narrative.

  • I Think I Saw a Movie Like This Once

    The Story of how Nicholas Braddock-Wilson ended his own existence, broke his parents up, realized that all his aunts were hot, met his girlfriend before he was born, got his parents back together, and defeated like, 30 ninjas all by himself. In 5 parts.

  • Excuses

    In a strange twist of personality, Rogue is flirty, Remy is hesitant, and Logan is terribly amused by the whole thing. Birthday present for blackberryhuntress!