
  • A Dangerous Game

    The Horsemen know the game they play isn't exactly the easiest, and nothing to step into lighthearted... Henley Reeves and J. Daniel Atlas know this all too well, but what they don't know is that they constantly compete in a game even more dangerous yet: the game of love.

  • Logic in Love

    Ron and Hermione are called to McGonagall's office before the second task of the Triwizard Tournament. Hermione finds herself feeling vulnerable and who better to supply her with the comfort of logic than her best friend, Ron? That is, if he can manage to put the issue of Viktor Krum out of his mind in order to comfort her in her time of need.

  • Love Always, Ron

    Ron feels like the girl he is in love with pays more attention to her books than she does to him. He decides that, in order to get through to her, he must use not his mouth but his parchment.

  • My Baby

    Hermione has it good. She's just finished school and her life is swell. Until her world is turned upside down when her parents are abducted. She doesn't know where they are, and she's not sure who exactly took them, but when they try to take Ron too, it becomes too much for her. Now, she must save Ron, her parents, and... oh yeah, Ron's bringing home a little surprise...