
  • Rebellion

    On the Hogwarts Express, a rebellion is growing. When the golden trio takes off on their search for Horcruxes, who will take their place at school?

  • Runway

    How did Lucius learn to command a room just by walking in the door? I think I was in need of sleep when I wrote this.

  • Seeking Beauty

    Luna finds beauty everywhere. Pre-ship Luna/Harry

  • Cry Havoc

    A small look into the dark world between the Marauders leaving Hogwarts, and the night baby Harry defeats Voldemort.

  • Watch Your Tongue!

    Language can be a dangerous thing when traveling - even when the two countries "supposedly" both speak English!

  • 42nd Street

    Just a one shot - when the girls go to NYC.

  • Never Prank a Cat

    The Weasley twins really should have known better..."It seemed like a good idea at the time."

  • Secret Roses

    Hermione Granger has a secret admirer...can you figure out who he is?

  • Silence is Golden

    Snape offers 50 points to any student regardless of House who can make it stop! Currently a one-shot. May expand when time permits.

  • London was Burning

    When everything seems lost, and the world is on fire, can there be any hope? Written as a gift at HiH's Writer's Block.

  • Seasons

    A strange little piece I wrote with the prompt of seasons - four heroes unite to stand against the darkness. Who are they, and what makes them unique.

  • Say What?

    When the Board of Education decides to enforce inter-House communication, they don't fool around!

  • What's in a Name?

    A lunch between two sisters-in-law or when Hermione learned the name of the little boy to come...

  • Luna's Protectors

    When Luna gets attacked, help comes from an unexpected champion. Crossing House boundaries becomes more likely than ever. Currently a one-shot - may expand depending on reception.

  • Veritaserum

    Dumbledore's secrets are coming out - thanks to an unexpected alliance!

  • On A Lazy Afternoon

    See the trio on a lazy Sunday afternoon - before everything went dark.