
  • Celebrate Me Home

    Oliver and Felicity celebrate the holidays with family and friends. Not season 3 compliant - please see author's note for more.

  • A Divided Opinion

    Winter Shock #4 - The SHIELD team arrives to pick up the Tromso crew...things get a little tense. Note - You must read the previous stories in this series or this will make no sense.

  • Russian Roulette

    Felicity Smoak is an I.T. tech who finds a deadly secret in the heart of her workplace. The safest place for her to turn to? A Captain of the Bratva with deadly secrets of his own.

  • One of Us

    Winter Shock #3 - Bucky gets adopted.

  • Making Friends

    Winter Shock #2 - Bucky is definitely becoming one of 'their' people.

  • Don't Make Enemies Unnecessarily

    Winter Shock #1 - Darcy and Jane meet someone during a bit of an emergency while they are in Tromso. Goes AU sometime during the Avengers, so NOT Dark World or Winter Soldier compliant.

  • Reset

    Five years ago the last Jaeger sealed the Breach to prevent any further kaiju attacks. Humanity moved on. Did the kaiju? One woman doesn't think so and tries to sound a warning, but nobody hears her. Nobody wants to hear her. Felicity Smoak finds herself fighting an uphill battle to s (Eventually an Olicity story. This is my first ever venture into two BRAND NEW - to me - fandoms.)

  • Unexpected Development

    Darcy is unhappy about going to the party, but an unexpected invitation might just change her mind. (Meant to have this up for Halloween...sorry! Better late than never)

  • Partners by Accident - More or Less

    All she wanted was a trip to the mall without a five-point security nightmare. Trust Hydra to pick today for terrorist activity.

  • Count Your Blessings

    Seeing old friends reminded her of just how fortunate she had been when Lucius Malfoy received her as a spoil of the war. (Warning - slavery, non-implicit non-con & violence)

  • Finding Family

    Darcy certainly did not expect her husband to come home from work with three kids...particularly not these three kids. - Part of my "The Agent & the Intern" series - Takes place between "Countdown" and "Announcement"

  • Countdown

    Sequel to Alphabet Soup. It's a journey to reach the big day! Join Darcy, Phil, and the whole family on the trip.

  • Bonds

    Slavery is nothing new to Darcy even if she is the youngest of her new companions. She's got experience to equal their years, but even she is going to be surprised at what is coming their way. Alternate universe fic - Slavery fic - Rating may be too high, but I want to be safe as there may be some graphic stuff in later chapters.

  • Darkness Reborn

    Once more the world approaches the end of an Age...and Darkness seeks to claim the Age to come. Gandalf must reawaken the souls of the past in order to prevent the final destruction of all they fought to save in a time beyond legend, beyond myth...in a time when Men were but one Race among many. (AN: Yes, I cheated on all the last names! Future story in "A Safe Haven" universe!)

  • A Safe Haven

    When danger comes to the Shire on the wind of frost, Bilbo must seek refuge for himself and those he has rescued. Fortunately the Shire is not the only place to promise him haven. A fix-it is included because...yeah...see the note.

  • Spoiled for Valentine's

    It's the day for celebrating love - Oliver certainly didn't forget. (A day late...sorry!)

  • Lovelorn

    Felicity and Darcy have a few things in common - they are magnets for heroes and a tendency towards troubled romances

  • A Quiver Full of Arrows

    This will be a collection of one-shots all about OLICITY (Oliver/Felicity) as prompted to me. AU's, crossovers, fusions...I'm willing to at least take a gander at them. They will have one very important trait in common - a happy and/or hopeful ending! You are welcome to leave a prompt - I am serenityscribbles on tumblr or you can leave one here with your review.

  • Triumvirate

    What do you do when you're a recently deprogrammed assassin who is falling for the girl of your dreams? Especially when that cold-hearted part of you is still there, creeping in the shadows of your mind? This is the kind of thing Bucky had to worry about. Or does he?

  • The Knife's Edge

    Darcy Lewis' life was coming together in a way she never expected and it was probably too perfect. Changes both inside and outside of the Avengers' private world are going to cause some upheaval, but what will she be in the end - victim, survivor, loser, or victor?