
  • Favored by Pestilence

    Part 4 of the Four Sisters - She was theirs and they were hers. (Betty Ross is a main character, but it's impossible to get her under the movie tab.)

  • War's Champion

    Four Sisters - Part 5 - All great generals have a champion...and it's time to claim hers.

  • Famine's Chosen

    Part 3 of The Four Sisters - He was her golden lover, a flickering candle in the darkness of her life.

  • Consorts of Death

    Follow up to "The Four Sisters" - read that first! She will not lose her consorts to the vicious whims of Fate.

  • The Four Sisters

    Four sisters have been separated for time untold. They have been reunited...and the world should tremble.

  • To Fell a Soldier

    Sequel to Dark as Night - Darcy was perfectly happy staying out of the limelight, but a couple of things bring her old habits screaming to the forefront. First and foremost? They call him the Winter Soldier.

  • A Thin Line

    Darcy's world of scientists, agents, super heroes, and what-all is going to hell in a hand basket. Thank you so very much, Hydra! Sarcasm aside though, shouldn't she be tucked away in a safe house somewhere? Wasn't London enough? Why the hell is she on the front line of trying to take back the world...again? (Warning - Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence)

  • A Deadly Alliance

    Darcy kind of puts together a deadly little alliance...mostly by accident. - Prequel to Bang, Bang. Written thanks to much prompting by plot bunny enablers.

  • Bang, BangYou're Dead

    The team has just finished a mission and come back to the Bus to find a surprise guest waiting for them.

  • Whispers

    River hears a new murmur on the ship and decides to track its source. (Possibly a little fluffy...maybe...)

  • Slow Burn

    Darcy wasn't sure what woke her, but then she felt the butterfly-soft touch of his lips. (There is some deliberate vagueness on the identity of the second character...this is where your imagination gets to play.)

  • Warning Siren

    Their ride is late, so Ward & Skye check out a disturbance in the park. They meet someone...and now a secret is imperiled. (So, premise is the Avengers still think Coulson is dead.)

  • An Oceanic Flight

    Winter Shock #6 - It was a long flight. - Continues my AU universe where Jane & Darcy make a new friend while in Norway. Series is drifting towards Bucky/Darcy. You must read the series in order for it to make sense.

  • Darcy is Done!

    Darcy is the all-around gofer for these people, and she's sick and tired of not getting thanked. She is going on strike. (Make sure you read the author's note on chapter 1!) NOTE - Correction made to Phil's chapter...

  • Time to Go

    Winter Shock #5 - Will they ever get out of Tromso? Continues my AU universe where Jane & Darcy make a new friend while in Norway. Series is drifting towards Bucky/Darcy.

  • Dark as Night

    What if Darcy Lewis was a former Red Room Operative? And one day the truth was revealed... (Post Avengers)

  • Prayers in Ink

    Darcy gets a tattoo - not for fun...not for kicks...but because she needed to keep a piece of them with her.

  • Not Everything is What it Seems

    During the attack at the World Cup, Hermione becomes separated from the others. She runs into Draco and finds herself having to reevaluate her assumptions of the world she thought she knew. This is a "what if" story - what if what she thought she knew...just wasn't so? See author's note inside for more. (Canon Divergence)

  • Don't Let Me Forget

    Why are good memories always the first to fade? Post-DH and definitely AU. Written for Caitie as part of the HiH Christmas exchange. Angst is her favorite, so I took a swing at it.

  • JusticeVengeancePenguins?

    When danger threatens the youngest among them, how will they handle it? WARNING - NOT SNAPE FRIENDLY! A bit AU & OOC for a couple of the characters. Touches on a difficult topic. I don't mean to treat it lightly, but mind ment went here w/the idea.