

  • Mom

    Rainbow Dash takes in Scootaloo when she finds out the Filly had been living in the streets. No pony could have predicted how deep their relationship would become. One-Shot

  • Mommy, Please Don't Cry

    Tragedy strikes as the grave of Esme's son is desecrated. Now, the family will do whatever it takes to make her happy again. An unexpected offer is made, and it brings Esme hope. Rated M for dark themes and infantilism

  • Secrets And Whispers Of An Unsound Mind

    During a visit with his Mother, Spencer experiences his first psychotic schizophrenic episode that radically changes his life. Diana Reid loved to baby her son before, but now it's the only way she knows how to keep him sane. The secret between the two of them would not remain secret for long... Rated M for infantilism and dark themes.

  • A Second Chance

    Chloe Kelcher uses the leftover semen to get pregnant again, and this time, the baby lives. A series of one-shots about her journey to motherhood, dealing with the loss of Cortland, and watching their son grow up.

  • Completing The Circle

    Chloe Kelcher deals with the loss of Cortland, gives birth, and then faces the loss of her baby. Set approximately a month before the events of "The Angel Maker".

  • Divided They Fall

    Set during "Revelations". Spencer Reid has multiple personalitites, although he doesn't know it. After being captured, Tobias Hankel showed his personalitites and unknowingly set off Spencer's, who, without his medication were no longer surpressed. Now, with the help of the team and his Mother, he will start his own journey toward healing. Rated M for mature language. Now Complete!

  • Depend On Me

    Dick suffers from Multiple Personality Disoreder. Batman, the Justice League and the Teen Titans will be there to help him through it. Takes place (mostly) after the events of Apprentice (Parts 1 & 2)

  • A Mother's Love

    When their sons go missing, Fran Morgan and Diana Reid team up to bring their boys home.

  • When Love Comes Knocking

    Rarity finds her perfect match. But the Path to true love is never a straight one. She'll fight for her love in even the worst of circumstances, and find that love shines brightly in even the darkest of times. Rated M for sexual assault.

  • Dear Future Me

    Twelve year old Spencer Reid writes a letter to his future self. Original Songfic.

  • Her Baby

    A mother knows when her child is in pain. Such is the case with Diana Reid. Spencer goes to see her after the events of "Revelations". He is reminded that he would always be her baby. Fluffiness ensues. One-shot.

  • Missing You

    Spencer gets a call when his mother refuses to take her medication. They talk. One-Shot.

  • Second Chances

    After the defeat of Lord Voldemort, Narcissa is surprised to learn that she may be pregnant.

  • Small Sacrifices

    Lucius is afraid to love his son, but when he gets a shock to the system, he understands the importance of family. As Draco gets older, his Father grows distant, but after the Second Wizarding War, Lucius is reminded of how much he could have lost. Oneshot.

  • Never Stop Hoping

    Hayley and Jeff are reunited at last.

  • Ain't Nothin' But A Kiss

    Isabella finally spends alone time with Phineas, and it all ends with a kiss. Title is based on the song of the same name. Extreme Phinabella. One-Shot.

  • Pregnant

    What if Katniss really was pregnant during the Quarter Quell?

  • You Made Us Who We Are

    A look into Esme's Mother's Day.

  • Momma

    A look into the worst moment of Steve Rogers life, and how his best friend got him through it. Rated M for suicide attempt.

  • Daddy

    Batman intervenes during the events of Mother Mae Eye, and is introduced to a side of his son he never knew existed. Contains infantilism, and preface.