
  • Artisan Tea and Facebook Friends

    A day in the life of Steve Scott, formerly known as Metro Man, in which he makes tea, braves the wilds of the interwebs, and finds a friend.

  • No

    When he's eight years old he decides that freedom means never having to say "Yes Master" or any variation thereof again. Anakin Skywalker in ten steps.

  • The Cake Is a Lie

    "Mephistopheles has accepted your invitation to a bake-off!" "What?" snapped Megamind. "That's ridiculous!"

  • A Morning in March

    Frodo cooks breakfast and meets little Elanor, and Rose comes to a new understanding.

  • Equinox

    Primula liked to watch the stars. Drogo hoped their son would be like her. (A little metafiction on the significance of Frodo's birthday.)

  • Veni Vici Vetinari

    In which Havelock Vetinari takes over the world, or at least the city, and no one really notices. Also, there's a horse.

  • Vartari

    The first time Sigyn really talks to Loki, he's not in much of a position to talk back. (Warning for potential body horror: Loki's mouth sewn shut.)

  • Queen of Shadow and Starlight

    The underworld is vast and silent and full of the sleeping dead when Hel arrives. But she will change that. A coming of age story for the Queen of the Underworld.

  • The Short and Unhappy Marriage of King Thrym of Jotunheim

    The Jotun king Thrym has stolen Thor's hammer, and Thor is less than pleased with Loki's plan to get it back. Meanwhile, Sigyn learns from her mother that there is more than one way out of Asgard.

  • Dreadful Affairs

    Sigyn hates weddings. Loki empathizes.

  • The Winter Flight of Birds

    All of Asgard is preparing for Freyr's marriage to Gerd, and Sigyn is caught up in an increasing number of secrets. Sequel to "Something there is that doesn't love a wall" and "The Raven and the Milkmaid".