California Kat

  • That Bitter Taste

    Set two years after the final scene of True Blood, Eric and Sookie are reassessing their choices. And both of them realize that what they feel most is bitterness. Can they turn that bitter to sweet?

  • The Better to Love You With

    (Winner of Seph's Fall Writing Challenge: Banner 2) Set after Season 3 of True Blood—What if Sookie wasn't able to leave the fairy world when she did? Three hundred years have passed in the human realm, and life has gone on for Eric Northman. Time has changed many things, but has it changed his feelings for Sookie Stackhouse?

  • Wings upon Your Horns

    (Written for Seph's Fall Writing Challenge) What if Godric had called Eric to his side almost two decades before the Great Reveal? What if Eric had never been the Sheriff of Area 5 and had opened Fangtasia in Dallas? How would he have reacted if his first look at Sookie Stackhouse was when she was wearing a bikini, a cowboy hat, a gun belt, and spurs?

  • My Valkyrie

    A/U After Sookie's father & brother are killed by a vampire named Appius Livius Ocella, she is taken to Faerie for her own safety. Aspiring to become an angel one day, Sookie becomes a guardian, & her first charge is a young Viking prince named Eiríkr. Will Appius ruin their chance at love? Or will he unwittingly give them the chance to be together forever?

  • Missing at the Table

    [One-shot] Four years after Bill is dead and gone, Sookie seemed to have embraced the "normal life." But what that "normal" truly entailed was very different from the way it seemed at the end of the series. What is the true fate of the telepath and Viking? Read to find out.

  • Touch the Flame

    This is the sequel to Comfortably Numb. Eric and Sookie may have decided to fight against Appius's influence in Eric's life, but that doesn't mean smooth sailing for them. New challenges and tragedies will befall them. Will they find a way to stay together through them? Or will Appius drive them apart—or worse?

  • Boxing Day

    Story 4 of the Gift Horse Series—Now that Eric has eliminated Freyda, can he reach Sookie before her child is born? And—is Pam really going to try to be a Lamaze partner for Sookie? What could possibly go wrong with that? (Must reads: "Gift Horse," "Scrooged," and "Black Christmas.")

  • Uninvited

    Beginning in the middle of Season 3, UNINVITED explores a different direction for the TB story following the van incident. As Sookie lies in the hospital fighting for her life, Eric must pretend to be the ally of his greatest enemy, Russell, in order to save Pam's life. What if Russell looks into Eric's blue eyes and recognizes the young man he saw so long ago? (E/S)

  • Salt Water

    (Story follows Season 7, episode 4) Sookie knew from Eric's eyes that he was telling her goodbye, but she'd had enough goodbyes in her life, and she wasn't about to say goodbye to Eric Northman again-not when she might be able to help him. The only question was, "Would Eric fight for his life too?" (Note: this story ignores Season 7, Episode 5 and beyond.)

  • Burn out the Pain

    Part 3 of The Comfortably Numb Trilogy, Burn out the Pain continues the story of Eric and Sookie's journey to find happiness. When secrets are revealed about Sookie's family, Eric defies Appius. However, will the cost be the person Eric loves the most when Appius refuses to let Eric win? (Read Comfortably Numb and Touch the Flame first) E/S

  • Inner

    Inner is an Eric-POV re-offering of Season 5 of True Blood with an Eric/Sookie endgame in mind. If you have read my other stuff, you know that I'm an unabashed Sookie/Eric fan, so I am going to warp Season 5 toward an E/S HEA, despite any idiocy that happened during the season. (I will be ignoring the happenings of Seasons 6 & 7.)

  • Who's Your Daddy?

    Set at the end of True Blood, Season 4, what if it wasn't Tara whom Debbie Pelt killed? What if it was Sookie? (A vampire-Sookie story and a re-imagining of Season 5)

  • Ice Queens

    Part 5 of the Gift Horse Series, this story focuses on Pam and Thalia as they work to tie up loose ends in Louisiana before rejoining Sookie and Eric. (This story begins on the night that Matthew is born in Part 4: "Boxing Day.")

  • Uncharted

    Uncharted is the sequel to Uninvited (which should be read first). Eric and Sookie must marshal allies as they evade Russell and his minions. Eric begins to formulate how to bring Russell down, even as Sookie learns more about her Fae powers. However, the greatest obstacle faced by Eric and Sookie might be letting themselves love each other without questioning "why" they love.

  • Stale and Diminished

    Ten years after Dead Ever After, Eric muses about his sorrows as he fulfills the destiny his "makers" (both vampire and literary) crafted for him. I have not shied away from AFTER DEAD; thus, this story is more tragedy than anything else. READ WITH KLEENEX. One-shot only.

  • Life from Death

    This story picks up in the middle of Season 7, Episode 9. What if the Viking decided that being Bill's messenger wasn't going to work for him? It was high time for Sookie to hear some hard truths, and what she chose to do with those truths would determine whether Eric cut ties with her. (E/S)

  • Black Christmas

    This is the third part of the Gift Horse Series (following "Gift Horse" and "Scrooged"-so read those first). It is the night of the Queen of Oklahoma's Christmas ball. Will Freyda's white gown be red by the end of the night? And at what price comes Eric's revenge? (Spoilers—all books)

  • Avalanche

    While Eric was recovering from the burns he sustained at the end of Season 6, Sookie was trying to learn from her past mistakes and move on. But how can she move forward when her heart belongs to a vampire who seems to have fallen off the face of the earth? This is a companion piece to "Snjóflóð," which should be read first.

  • By Any Other Name

    Having lost everything, the once mighty Viking is broken. Eric Northman had been told that Sookie Stackhouse had been killed. But the shrouded woman in front of him could not be mistaken as anyone else—not by him—even if she was going by a different name. (Set in the SVM universe not quite a year after Dead Ever After—Winner of Seph's Writing Challenge)

  • This Feels Better

    PROMO piece for Seph's Writing Challenge. Sookie is surprised to find her own grave in the Bon Temps cemetery. Will her new maker be able to make her feel better? The action picks up at the end of Season 6. (Spoilers—seasons 1-6 of TB)