Synergetic Prose

  • A Light in Space

    Drabbles set in season one/two setting but not following plot. Just some good ol' Shallura to warm the heart.

  • Silver Lining

    AU End of Season Seven: Shiro scooted closer to Allura's hospital bed. He was almost lost in the Astral Plane. She almost drowned in the Blue Lion. Having a second chance wasn't something he was going to take for granted. "I want to move forward. With you." She slowly lifted her hand to his face. "I'd like that," she smiled. - Will feature some Paladin/MFE bonding, slow Klance.

  • Opposites

    Collection of one shots: Leon had supposed them to be opposites, Sora and him. There was her sweet naivety and his desirous yearnings-a match that most certainly wasn't normal. Though, he sometimes wondered if they really were opposites...

  • A Picture's Worth

    AU: Her life was supposed to be simple working at the sandwich and smoothie shop. But ever since she recognized him as a celeb she just can't escape his dastardly, devilishly good looking image no matter which way she turned. NOTE: Continuation of one shot, "That Chin."

  • Unchanged

    Set after the series: Most people thought that Leon Oswald was a changed man after the Swan Lake performances. But what if they were wrong? What if he remained selfish and his heart still unmoved? What would that mean for Sora when he comes into contact with her? Rating more for subject matter than language.

  • Case File: The Missing Paintings

    AU: Special Agents Sophie and Leon have been called in to apprehend an art thief. The pieces have been donated by the Killian family, whose son is engaged to the prominent Layla Hamilton, which means that they were going to have to solve this quickly and quietly. With the introduction of a certain redheaded young woman, will the Oswald siblings' mission be so smooth? ON HOLD

  • Shifting Views

    Sequel to Shifts in the Days: Declarations of love are not always quick to come, but when they do occur, it creates a feeling unlike any other. However, saying you're in love and living out that love is a whole other journey that the once famed 'God of Death' and the Angel of the Kaleido Stage will come to realize. STORY UNDER REVISION *5/16/2016 REVISED CHP 16-18 UP*

  • Love and War

    AU: What attracts Ares, the god of war to Aphrodite, the goddess of love? One destroys, the other creates; he has light silver hair, she has dark red hair. Contrasts fascinate each other and it's enough for Love and War to meet secretly... Rating more for subject matter than language.

  • Charmed Life

    AU: Sora just wanted to live a quiet life as a witch in the Glades. But when her roommates steals some suspicious valuables, people come looking for it. Though, priorities change when one of the investigators runs into Sora...

  • Misconceptions

    Set after the series: Leon's skills were legendary-his looks even more so. He was ranked as the top bachelor within the circus world and known as the hunk of the Kaleido Stage. It was just too bad that he didn't know a thing about the art of dating...

  • Late Bloomer

    Short chapters; set after the series: May Wong isn't a delicate little daisy. She's a tough, steel magnolia with a personality to match. She can weather out hurricanes, mood swings, and compete with one arm. So how does a girl like her deal with relationships? ON HOLD

  • Hidden Colors

    AU: Sora was only trying to help out the man with the pale hair in an act of kindness when he ran into trouble with the town guards. However, that incident was only the beginning of their acquaintance as Sora comes to realize that there is more to him than she had originally thought. Story based on the Color Wheel Challenge.

  • Insidious

    (AU/Canon) Connected drabbles starting with the Dracula show: They were as different as the blue sky in the day and the inky blackness of night. And yet, she was getting under his thick skin without permission; he was plaguing her thoughts far more often than she cared to admit. It was confusing, chaotic, and completely unwanted. But for how long would they feel this way...?