
  • Obsessed

    Castle was obsessed with finding the answers. Someone was going to an awful lot of trouble to hide where he had been and what he'd been doing… and now, more than ever, he was determined to solve this mystery.

  • You

    It's time for her to lay it all on the line, to share the glorious realization she had come to as she had faced certain death, hanging from that wretched rooftop. Now is her time to make a stand. This, right here, is her confession; the most important answer to the most important question she will ever be asked.

  • Reflection

    The woman staring back at her was hardly recognizable. As she dressed in front of the mirror, Kate pondered what she saw. She looked…content? Happy? Definitely happy. Never in her wildest dreams had she imagined she would ever feel so complete. She was a different person to the Kate Beckett who had stared back at her from the mirror just a few short years ago.

  • A Tale of Two, No Three, Taylors

    As Alexis squeezed between the pulsating, sweaty bodies in the crowd toward her seat, she once again could not believe her luck. Thinking back to the day Gina handed her two tickets to see Taylor Swift perform at Madison Square Garden, she again marveled at how her former step mom had seemed genuinely pleased with her reaction...