
  • Losing You

    Sherlock isn't a genius or sociopath or consulting detective. He never has been. John flips his shit when he finds out.

  • Back On Track

    'It's only when Captain Rogers loses his grip and falls the three thousand feet from the burning helicarrier they're on that the Soldier starts to remember.' And maybe by then it's too late.

  • It's Always For You

    'Remember what life was like before John Watson? Less pain, less hurt, less… heartbreak.'

  • Tell the World (I'm Coming Home)

    'It's been two years and it hasn't stopped hurting. Not once. There are times when John marvels at how he's managed to make it this far without offing himself or everyone else around him because honestly, he doesn't see the point anymore.'

  • Coping Mechanism

    In which Sherlock is John's imaginary friend. But John doesn't know that.

  • Taking What You Want

    "That was – um," Sherlock cleared his throat, looking away, "Very – erotic."

  • Truth or Dare

    The Dark Lord holds regular Truth or Dare Death Eater meetings. Draco Malfoy is given a dare.

  • You're Always There For Me

    Closing his eyes as the welcoming surface rushed up to embrace him, Harry gave in and fell into sweet, dark oblivion.

  • Amidst the Beats

    'Music blared. Lights glared. People stared. Harry cared… NOT.' Rated T cause I'm paranoid.

  • Will You Humor Me

    I, DRACO LUCIUS MALFOY, do hereby make, publish and declare this to be my Last Will and Testament.

  • Attempt at Humor

    "Please… Harry… just – push – harder!" gasped Draco, eyes falling close as the burning sensation escalated to the degree of scorching.

  • GlamGirl Getup

    Things go awry when a certain lab ferret is used to test out Weasley's Wizard Wheezes' latest line of feminine products, including one smitten Harry Potter.

  • Checkmating the Queen

    A devious scheme is concocted in which Blaise seeks the conquest of Harry Potter, and Draco seeks revenge.

  • Smile for Me

    The war is over, but the Ministry cannot round up all the Death Eaters. It is a surprise when one literally shows up at its doorstep.

  • When Opposites Collide

    Draco is acting weird, and Harry is on the receiving end of it.

  • Pain and Purity

    The final battle has commenced, and yet the outcome is unexpected. Neither party is declared victorious, and both Harry and Voldemort are not dead. Voldemort has taken Draco, and Harry is hurting.

  • Drapple

    Draco loves apples. Apples love Draco.

  • Amoris Vinculum

    Harry and Draco get together against all odds, but the coming war is destined to tear them apart.

  • Change

    The war is over. Harry is trying to put it in the past, but stumbles upon a part of it he cannot bury.

  • Punishment for Draco

    Draco and Harry are about to die. Draco gets punished.