

  • LD50

    It's 1981, and the walls are closing in. There is a spy in the Order. Lily, James, and infant Harry Potter are in hiding but not safe under Fidelius yet. Severus Snape is not a trusted enough Death Eater to pass on crucial information, and Dumbledore still doubts Snape's loyalty. Peter Pettigrew is chewing at the walls where no one can see. And poison persists in the blood.

  • Bad Oracle

    If Harry Potter could alter the past, he isn't sure what he'd change, but he knows he'd change something. If Severus Snape could hold history in his hands, he knows exactly what shape he would mold it into. Albus Dumbledore might flatter himself enough to think he would walk away from such power. But Delphi Riddle isn't here to serve any of them.

  • seventeen moons

    "The scar is small, at least," Pomfrey says, pulling the bandage snug around the cleaned wound. There's a pity in her voice that makes Severus want to throw up again. "It will be easily covered." SS/LE ONESHOT

  • Puzzle

    Lily Evans is happy, twenty-three & protected from the dark world by her best friend. But she can't remember anything from Christmas 1979 through 1981, & two names she doesn't know have come back to her ... Harry and James. AU Darkfic, LE/SS, but if you want a baby & marriage, look elsewhere. Happy endings are for people who didn't betray everything they claimed to hold dear.

  • Transformation in C Minor

    Harry begins his quest for the horcruxes with an unlikely companion, and Draco Malfoy is hidden in plain sight-as Harry. Totally not DH compliant.