
  • If I can't feel it, it's not there

    'I was immortal. My burning eyes never closed, my heart never stopped, my tears never were enough, my pain never ended...' Merlin's prepared to give up the last thing he has left, just so he will get rid of the pain! But his actions will not go by without consequences.

  • IK ben de beste

    "Vous pensez que vous êtes le meilleur épéiste hein? Eh bien! Que vous n'êtes pas gentil! Je suis le meilleur! Je fais!" Heil Merlin :D :D :D :D

  • Vampire high school

    Merlin is een kwart-vampier. Hij is 16 en een half jaar, en is verhuisd naar Amerika. Daar ontmoet hij het niet-zo-vriendelijke football team. In het football team zit ook Arthur; de prins van America. Hij heeft een geheim. een GROOT geheim. maar eigelijk is het geheim niet zo belangrijk... want ja, het verhaal gaat er niet echt over ofzo. in ieder geval: no slash.

  • Magical colour

    Merlin wakes up some day, and sees that his eyes are glowing gold, and there's nothing he can do about it. Gaius is away to a patient for at least three more days. Merlin doesn't know what to do, and has to hide his eyes, he doesn't want the whole castle to know he has magic right? But then he makes a discovery, there are much more consequences than he thought there would be.

  • Arthur's Apocalypse

    Arthur's returned, but not in his expected form...

  • Even death can not keep us apart

    'Merlin falls in battle whilst saving the life of his precious King. Arthur is broken from it and doesn't know how to move on. But then he sees a small green potion sitting upon his desk, and he knows what to do. ' A collection of a short story and following one-shots / drabbles

  • The return of Nimueh

    The story of Nimueh seemed to be a closed chapter when she died, but nothing is as it seems. Meet a new side of Nimueh, that you haven't seen before. Secrets will be revield, an old romance will be relighted and we are about to meet a new goddess. Can she be trusted? Or will she turn out to be evil? But if that's so, how can you defead a goddess?