

  • Screenplays and Actors

    SoMa AU- She was the lead actress and he was the director.

  • Delusional

    SoMa- Soul has spent months trying to heal his broken soul and can't seem to remember his meister's name. EDIT- THANK YOU FOR MERMAIN FOR TELLING ME THAT THE FORMATING WAS ALL WACKED! It's all fixed now so please give this story another try!

  • Tasteful lies

    Ramen Shop AU; SoMa- Soul is the son of a Ramen shop owner and he always serves the beautiful girl who comes in every Tuesdays and Thursdays.

  • Together or 5never

    Five sentence drabbles; SoMa prompts and occasional others like TsuStar

  • Penny for your thoughts

    SoMa AU- Soul visits a local department store and bickers with Maka, a young worker with plenty of sass. He plans to give her a penny for her thoughts. Update- Wes follows Soul one night and witnesses a sweet exchange.

  • She's brooding

    Maka's not usually a brooding drunk but just this once, she's caught by Soul.

  • Spicy Lamb Shanks

    One shot- Soul is inspired to cook spicy lamb shanks for dinner and motivated by another goal. T for swearing.

  • Indie Record Shop AU

    "So, you must be new." It was supposed to be a one time thing. Out of the kindness of her heart, Maka agreed to help out Liz at her indie record store, "Deathbeats". SoMa AU

  • Polaris

    If only something happened differently. If only he had ran faster, transformed into her hands, jumped in front of the fatal blow, stopped her from throwing him to safety... there would be a better end than this... (I always thought that if one died, the other would also die because they would be in resonance)

  • Bell Tower

    SoMa Bell Tower AU- Call it fate if you will but there are no such things as accidents in this world. / Updated with an alternate ending found in chapter two

  • Steal My Heart

    SoMa Prompt- VampireKnight!AU from Ch 88; Maka used to be human as the pure blood vampire side of her was dormant. Since her awakening, she has been dead to Soul. When she tries to steal away his memories of her human past, she learns just how precious she was to him. (M for Blood)

  • Ice Cream Tacos

    BlackStar and his friends decide to get ice cream tacos just before they visit the park. Tension boils as each person comes clean with their preferred ice cream flavors. Minor TsuStar. Slice of life.

  • Do You Hear Me?

    SoMa- Maka falls into a comatose state and Soul bears the pain and weight on his shoulders. She's been like this for at least a year and Stein decides that there's no hope with the situation. Soul holds her hand and sings her a song or two before she leaves this world forever. Songs: More Than This (tweaked) You Are My Sunshine

  • Twenty-One Questions

    SoMa Road Trip AU- Soul and Maka are going on a road trip to the beach but they are having some difficulties with entertaining each other and themselves. Maka is on her own agenda as well as she tries to find answers to questions that have been festering inside. Valentine's Day gift to Kittenintheden (part 2 and omakes coming because I accidentally plotted too much)

  • Into the Night

    Caravan AU- Maka finds herself in a situation that forces her to travel with a caravan. She picks up a strange guy named Soul on her way out of her city. This story follows her adventures and where fate brings her next. (M for violence and language; SFW)

  • She Came With the Winter

    Kilik x Liz; Kiliz - Kilik is the son of an owner of a Jazz Cafe and he remembers a girl who comes in every winter to order coffee for her and her sister. When he grows older, he finds that girl again.

  • For the Dancing and the Dreaming

    SoMa/Soul Eater and HTTYD2 Crossover; Soma recounts the tale of her parents from the beginning to the end. It starts from the day her mother, Maka, left and ends on the day her father, Soul, left. A/N- Soma is Keysamoguri's OC

  • Sweet Summer Girl

    SoMa- The seasons continue to rise and fall around them and only they are concrete. "I'm here to stay..." Fem!Soul

  • Kung Fu Action

    SoMa fluff- It's movie night at the Albarn-Eater apt and Maka decides that action movies and cheesecake go well together. She ends up eating her words when Soul and Maka get into a playful kung fu showdown.

  • A Piece of Soul

    SoMa Band AU- Soul and Maka are working on their next hit single, writing songs and whispering memories.