
  • Generation

    Just recovering from the events of A New Life, Connie and Jason are invited to an event that they think will be a new start. But soon they meet an old friend and are enticed into a world of intrigue and mystery while Whit is on a secret mission of his own. What will these events mean for the future of the Whittaker family? Warnings: violence, rape mention-human trafficking

  • A New Life

    After the events of Collision, Jason and Connie return home to recover and start their new life together. But can their happiness last? Complete! For now :) Ideas, questions welcome! See profile for some rather random notes and perhaps replies to reviews.

  • The First Great Adventure of the Summer

    While recovering from the events of Fallout, Jason reminisces with his father about one day when he was 14 and stowed away in his father's car on a trip to Chicago, and got more than he bargained for. I wrote this last year.

  • Collision

    Jason and Connie have been through a lot in the past few months. But now, things have settled down, and Jason thinks this might be a good time to propose. This is kind of a transition from the Fallout series to the next stories. Author's notes in profile. Rated T.

  • Spark

    A missing scene, post-Fallout, before Jason wakes up from his coma. It's from Connie's POV. I found it in my old files and thought it might be worth posting.