
  • Matter of Importance

    Grant Ward had a chance to run, to escape with HYDRA when they tried to rescue him but he stayed. He fought HYDRA, saved agents who beat him for fun and stayed beside the girl who he'd betrayed and lost. When asked why, he only stated "somethings are more important than freedom." And she is, more important than his own freedom but is she also his chance at redemption?

  • The Pain of Loss

    Everyday the prisoner was visited to information and everyday someone goes to collect what he had to give. Finally the day comes that Skye has to go collect the information and for the first time in months she is faced the man who betrayed her and destroyed her love: Grant Ward.

  • Alone No More

    It would be on a mission three years after his escape that they'd find him in the most surprising way. They'd find not a specialist but instead a man who was redeeming his life by helping those who needed help. Who is Grant Ward away from HYDRA and what did he do to redeem himself in the eyes of the team? 2x06 Spoilers "A Fractured House"

  • Life and Times of Avery Ward: Daughter of The Shield

    She's the daughter of The Shield and a traitor turned ally. She's an 0-8-4 whose powers are yet to be realized. She's a nine year old girl exploring the world of SHIELD for the first time in her life. She'll learn what it means to be the niece of a legacy, the daughter of a legend and to just be a normal girl in a not so normal world. These are the life and times of Avery Ward.

  • His Happy Ending

    She doesn't know if it would ever have worked between them had events not happened the way they did. If HYDRA was discovered before it had been, she'd have never been shot and Ward would have never realized his love for her. Despite the damage to that love, it was sacred and not something to be messed with.

  • Moments of a New Generation

    Part III of the Battleship Series, 20 years after Battleship: SHIELD and Codename: Battleship. With Ward and Skye now running the Bus, their oldest flying it, Tory Fitz-Simmons as their engineer-physician, and two rookie agents that make Skye look like she was professional, they have a hard task of keeping order. Collection of moments of a new generation on the Bus.

  • Awakening the Heart

    Skye must learn how to cope with her new abilities and learn to trust those around her because the months she'd lay in a coma after the Temple leaves her in a familiar yet unfamiliar world. Can she trust enemies who've become allies while attempting to control her new powers or will she literally bring the walls down around them? Post 2x10 "What They Become"

  • Academy Reunion

    "Looking at Skye after close to ten years Ward found he couldn't help but fall in love all over again, she was still beautiful but her eyes definitely held a hauntedness he hadn't seen before." Upon registering his daughter for SHIELD Youth Academy and applying for a teaching position, Ward finds himself face to face with the woman he'd given up years before. Post HYDRA

  • Christmas with the Wards

    Enough presents to fill up the cargo hold of the quinjet, two kids, a pregnant Skye and Grant Ward all under the same roof for Christmas. What is Christmas with the Wards like and what could go wrong? Christmas one-shot, post HYDRA take down.

  • A Light for the Darkest Soul

    When the order is given, Skye finds herself before the new SHIELD Council defending a man who had betrayed her. Can she stop their judgement or will it be too late to give Ward a chance at redemption? Can one rookie agent stand before a council of senior agents and make a difference in a new world? FORMALLY TITLED The Strength in the Darkness

  • Renewal of the Soul

    After six months and saving three agents singlehandedly during two crisis situations, Ward had earned the right to move around without a constant guard and without a tracking bracelet. In the Infirmary he finds himself facing the girl of his dreams once again, Skye waiting for him with a smile in her eyes. Sequel to The Pain of Loss

  • A Shattered Soul

    Skye never understood Ward after his betrayal but in that moment, looking at him as he was helpless to defend himself or the only real thing he cared about she did. Dark Fic

  • Child of Monsters and Men

    Sequel to Hope for the Lost; Skye's origins are discovered after she makes a fateful decision to save her fellow agents. She must learn to navigate SHIELD after this revelation and accept being both a child of monsters and men. How will the team react and will her fellow agents accept or reject her?

  • Explaining the Past to Kids

    15 Years after she last saw him and 13 Years after the rebuilding of SHIELD, Skye is having lunch with her daughter at SHIELD's Youth Academy only to look up and see her ex-boyfriend with his son. What business did Miles have with SHIELD and why was his son at her daughter's school? Their kids ask questions about who they are when they learn their parents share a past.

  • Hope for the Lost

    "She'd been warned that he'd stated the only thing he'd wanted was her, that she was the only good thing he'd had and he destroyed his chance because of his need to follow Garrett." Skye realizes that behind the murderer is someone as lost as she had once been. She decides to stand beside Ward as he begins his walk on the road of redemption. 1x22 Finale Spoilers

  • From Darkness into the Light

    Faced with the task of killing the only goodness in his life just to prove loyalty, Grant Ward surrenders to the team. Can he earn back their trust and respect or will he forever be labeled a traitor? Has he lost the only good thing in his life because of his actions or can he gain Skye back? Can Coulson pull another Romanoff and turn Ward into an asset? Based on 1x21 Ragtag promo

  • Codename: Battleship

    She is SHIELD's most valued asset, she is part of a family and the love of someone's life. She's an 0-8-4 and a SHIELD agent but most of all, she is the one who sacrificed herself for a dozen agents. Skye fights for her life and her humanity as she struggles between being Skye Zale and the woman called Battleship. Sequel to Battleship: SHIELD. I advise reading first to understand.

  • Correcting the Path

    Her father was a traitor who gave his life for her and she grew up wishing for her hero. 19 years later, Avery Ward is given the chance to go back in time and undo everything: HYDRA's capture of SHIELD, the betrayal of her father and the heartbreak of her mother. Can she succeed or will her attempts be in vain? Sequel to Second Chance at Redemption

  • A Second Chance at Redemption

    She was his chance at redemption, he'd already failed once before to understand the gift of redemption when it stood before him in the form of his beautiful rookie. He'd lost everything to a man who he owed a life debt but Grant Ward swore she wouldn't be his payment. She was the light in his dark life and he'd turn his back on everything to love her as she deserved.

  • Battleship: SHIELD

    To connect with Ward, Skye develops a method of fighting HYDRA with a child's game. HYDRA vs. SHIELD becomes a live game of Battleship and teams across the globe stand together to fight the enemy while one rookie agent is driven only to bring her SO home. Can Coulson's team win or are they fighting a loosing battle. Spoilers for Cap. America Winter Soldier and AOS Turn, Turn, Turn