

  • Sweetest Deal

    After the House Series finale. House knew what to do.

  • Deanna the Vampire Slayer

    Deanna Winchester is the Slayer, and Sam and Dawn are her younger siblings. Just when she thought vampires and demons were tough to deal with, along came the angels , and they're bigger dicks than the Council ever was. Beats going to hell, though. Fem!Dean/Spike Written for the SPN Reversebang for a prompt from sailorhathor

  • Jacksonville, Florida

    Dean remembers a lot of his childhood but some parts are not that clear

  • Break from Reality

    Bingo entry for Death/Crossover Character

  • Finding the perfect candidate

    Entry for Dean/OC for spnpairingbingo. Somebody decides to adopt Dean.

  • Temporary Displacement

    Winchesters don't really die. She would find a way out and back as well, this was just a temporary situation.

  • Work Trip

    SPN/TOS Crossover. Bingo Entry for Dean/Crossover Character for spnpairingbingo. Dean's on a work trip on the Enterprise.

  • Consequences

    Sometime after Season 9.Spoilers to some spoilers of Season 10. A meeting between Dean and Death. Dean/Death entry for spnpairingbingo

  • A meeting in the woods

    An unexpected meeting Ellison and Sandburg would never forget again.

  • Meeting the family

    Pre-Series, Stanford-Era.

  • Picking up the pieces

    Season 7. After Godstiel, heaven was a disaster area.

  • A little Break

    A series of unconnected ficlets in the same verse Prompt: Supernatural/Angel, Dean/Faith, cigarettes & alcohol

  • Sharknado

    Prompt: Phineas and Ferb, any, Sharknado

  • Necessities

    Dean knew which skills he needed, and he knew how to get them.

  • Happy in Athens

    Pre-Series. Before Dean told Cassie. Note: Part of the Birthday Fic Series for Dean Winchesters birthday

  • Whatever was needed

    Sam, between Season 9 and Season 10.

  • An easy case

    Season 2. That was exactly what they needed.

  • Finding Potential

    Law enforcement aren't the only ones keeping an eye on the Winchesters.

  • A Rare Opportunity

    SPN/Dr Who. There wasn't much anymore that managed to fascinate Death everytime he saw it. Goes for every Doctor, there is no general Doctor Character

  • An interesting development

    9.23. Another perspective.