
  • The Falcon and the Dragon

    Mulan opened her eyes and looked up at his hesitation. His sharp, yellow eyes were narrowed in confusion or disbelief. Mulan's face burned as she realized he had noticed her chest..

  • Gratitude

    "Stop, Kunoichi. I haven't repaid my debt yet." Ino didn't like the way he was looking at her now..it made her belly queasy.     "Letting me go unhurt is a debt repaid enough."     Kisame cocked his head to one side.    "No. It's not."

  • Hearts Forever in Wax

    Sequel to The Man Behind the Mask two years later Marly is back at home with amnesia, not remembering a thing from her past experiences in Ambrose. Her and her friends are planning a weekend trip to the biggest football game of the season when they are delayed. They stop at a town with a famous Wax Museum and Marly's frequent De Ja Vu has her feeling like she's been there before..

  • Midnight Indigo

    James comes by a scent even better than Bella's after the baseball game and plans to hunt the new smell instead..I don't own twilight or it's characters.

  • The Dark Lord's Shadow

    "Since your memory will be taken away, I will say that it would not be wise to choose me. Age wouldn't mean a thing to me either, Amaya Rosier. I wouldn't share you with others like my fellow Death Eaters but I promise I will touch..and taste." This conversation had suddenly gone from playful to not so innocent. My potions professor just admitted he would.. "Obliviate"

  • Redeemed

    Hermione is excited for her sixth year at Hogwarts but even before she arrives she notices Snape acting strange.. please please review! if you dont tell me why you like my story it makes me unmotivated to write more :(