
  • Legacy

    Set after S02E02 (Spoilers). When Clarke discovers the room behind the hospital old enemies quickly become the lesser of two evils. When she gets caught during an escape attempt she finally learns the real reason the mountain men brought them to Mount Weather, and the depths of depravity that they're willing to sink to protect their legacy. Suspense now, romance to come.

  • Sons of God, Daughters of Man

    Picks up right after the end of Worlds End with Penryn, Raffe, Paige and Beleil flying away from the Aerie. Uriel has just deceived most of the angels into thinking that the apocalypse has arrived, which makes Raffe wonder what other deceptions he's used to gain power. How much of Raffe's world is based on a lie? T for violence, tension, and Raffryn light smut.

  • We First, Always

    Picks up from the time of Beth's kidnapping, and continues beyond the season 4 finale. Rated M for language, violence, sexual themes, and potentially romance. Bethyl.