Stop'nGo Girl

  • Parallel Fate

    OC-insert. When Midori and I switched places I was dumped into her world, the KHR universe. I thought I was fine, if I could just avoid a certain town I could attempt to continue this pseudo new life. But somehow I'm stuck in the last place I want to be, teaching science to Namimori Middle school students and bumping into a certain dinosaur doesn't make life any easier.

  • Cycling on Repeats

    After Hisako's fifth life, she no longer feared death. It no longer mattered, because she would wake up again in her mother's arms as a baby. But during her fifteenth time experiencing her seventh birthday things started to change. She was no longer Hisako Watanabe, but Hisako Miura. Along with the name she gained a little sister who had a verbal tic.

  • Troubles of a Basketball Manager

    A survival guide for those crazy enough, unfortunate enough, or desperate enough to attempt the position of a basketball manager. A compilation of tips and helpful bits of information from managers of various basketball clubs.

  • Papa Shamal

    AU. Shamal never expected to tie down with any woman, much less have a child. But when he feels the tight squeeze of her little hand in his own, he realizes it might not be so bad. Short snippets of Shamal and his daughter.

  • Waking Up With Coffee

    She knew she was obsessed with love, romance, dating, and most importantly boys. But when she started dreaming of a future husband who was part of the mafia, she knew she had to have an intervention. And this was all because she bumped into that cute guy on the street. (Drabble-styleish)