
  • A lenda de Gondor

    Um olhar de como Berúthiel se tornou lenda.

  • Eletrólise

    As consequencias do encontro de dois compostos.

  • Seduction

    Sauron holds dear the memory of his seduction.

  • Electrolysis

    The currents found each other and the components came into harmony.

  • Poison

    Here's what passed between Glaurung and Azaghâl in the Battle of Unnumbered Tears.

  • Red Obsession

    Thranduil have an obsession for the red liquid. But it's not his fault.

  • Mairon, the maia of Aulë

    How did Mairon get catch in Melkor's web?

  • Dormência

    Thranduil recebe notícias de sua esposa. Notícias ruins.

  • Competition

    Belladonna knows it all. Bilbo should listen to his mon. Thorin should just shut up.

  • Say it

    Finwë kind of tries to make a confession. What's Fëanor's reaction?

  • Sedução

    Sauron relembra de sua sedução e como isso o levou a criar o Um. SauronxMelkor, ambiguidade.