
  • Start Small

    It was the note of fear in Sam's voice that kept Dean, awesome big brother that he was, from telling his little brother to stop being a baby and just jump in. Weechesters

  • In Good Hands

    "Lookit, Mama!" Her gaze turned toward chubby fingers clutched tightly around a bunch of yellow dandelions.

  • Eastwood

    "Dude, Seriously? Are you gonna do this everytime we watch a western now?"

  • Cotton Candy

    Someone was shaking him of that he was vaguely aware. He could hear his name yelled out between a chorus of "no's" and "c'mon's" but it was distant as though that someone were calling his name from underwater.

  • Before the Storm

    "You put the worm on the hook. Like this…here," John crouched and manoeuvred his four year old to stand in front of him as he demonstrated the action. "Got it?"

  • Indisposed

    Dean told himself that it was the coldness of Sam's hands that made him flinch and not the fact that his brother had been a soulless dickbag not more than a month ago and Dean still sometimes had trouble remembering that Sam was actually back

  • What Am I Supposed to Do?

    3AM and he's tracing circles with the blade of his knife.

  • Possession

    Every particle of the animalistic rage coursing through him screams: Do it! Get it over with! This can be over…SHE'S RIGHT THERE! But one thing is holding him back. Because while Abbadon is indeed right in front of him, he can't bring himself to kill her. She's wearing his brother.

  • Man of His Word

    His skin was on fire…Or was he freezing to death? He supposed he had gotten to the dangerous tipping point where it no longer mattered which extremity he was feeling. He'd die either way. Hurt!Dean, set S2/S3

  • Don't Make Me Turn This Car Around!

    "I don't. Cut it out! DAD! Sam's kicking me!" "DADDY!" "ENOUGH!" The bellow for silence from the front seat caused both boys to clamp their mouths shut and give each other scathing looks. John relaxed slightly. Weechesters-Oneshot

  • Camping

    He rolled himself onto his back and flinched back from the hideous form above him. The windigo drew its claws back preparing to send another slice in his direction. "HEY!"

  • Better

    It was the fact that the bike was too big that probably undid him. After all, it was hard to keep the thing steady as was without having to worry about reaching the pedals too! Weechesters

  • Cold Feet

    The enormity of the situation was slowly becoming apparent to the older Winchester brother's foggy brain. The car was filling up with water…freezing cold water, mind…which meant they had to get out of there. Fast.