Hylian Harmony

  • Colors

    By now, Four was used to switching worlds. It was no big deal. Just a switch. A minor headache if he was lucky. But this time was different. This time, Four's colors bled together. -Based off of Jojo56830's Linked Universe AU-

  • Majora's Mask's Origins

    What is Majora's Mask exactly? Is it just a mask or something more? It seems to have a need to destroy and yet no motive is evident. Everything and everyone has a story if you delve deep enough. This is Majora's story.

  • Hylia's Songbook

    The forgotten goddess is quite the musician and in her rare free time among the Hylians she occasionally works her magic on the piano and sings along to ancient masterpieces. In other words, this is a collection of original lyrics to songs from the Legend of Zelda series. Enjoy!

  • The Legend of Zelda: The Alternate Link

    While looking for treasure the Wind Waker bunch stumbles into a world parallel to theirs. A place called Hyrule and it's not under an ocean this time! They need a way back home and look to a familiar hero and princess for help. Friendships are made, secrets are uncovered, old enemies appear, and misunderstandings are everywhere! Will they get home or die trying?Spoilers for WW; TP.