
  • Brothers

    What If Asura wasn't such a bad guy? Set in an alternate universe and takes place JUST BEFORE Asura is awakened.

  • The Monk That Fell For Time

    I'M NOT GAY! But, maybe I just didn't realize it... BUT HE'S A DEMON! But he's sexy... AUGH! Crack pairing: BonXMephisto, MPreg, Rated M for future chapters and strong language. I promise I'm not homophobic!

  • Buy Him, Use Him, Break Him, Fix Him

    When The Doctor meets Sonya, a lovely Indian-American College student from Boston, he realizes she knows a lot about Daleks. Then, what started as a trip to see the Red Sox play at Fenway Park quickly turns into a disaster as the Cybermen start to attack, and then play nice. Will the Doctor be able to make new allies, or will the Cybermen upgrade Boston? Second in the MOTD Series.

  • Code SCJC

    There are somethings a man should NEVER hear. "Your pregnant" is definitely up there in the top three. WARNING: MPreg mentioned in future chapters! SUPER strong religious content! Strong language in some parts. ArthurXShura! Kinda christmas-y...

  • Therapy

    Cook The greatest chef ever to set foot on the Nemisis, Is also the best therapist. One-shot. Transformers Prime universe. Happens Sometime after "Triage" but before season three.

  • Mystery Of The Daleks

    Only one question has burned in the back of the Doctor's mind for this long. Who was that dalek, and what did it mean? Slightly AU-ish. Possible future for The Doctor, and will definately blow your mind at the end. COMPLETE

  • Welcome Home

    Keith's reaction to fatherhood. One-shot. Could be either manga or anime. VERY short, and VERY cute. NO PAIRINGS!