
  • Anti-Hero

    Kick-Ass must embrace the dark side after he is given his first trial as a superhero. Kick-Ass must face Rasul on his own...will he make it out alive?

  • Reincarnation

    Cooper begins his second life as his voyage to Edmunds' planet begins. He doesn't know what awaits him but the image of her gives him a reason to go on.

  • True Lies: Crimes of Passion

    Harry fights terrorists to save America from devastation, while dealing marriage problems with his wife.

  • Deadliest Prey - Death Blow

    Sophia and Danton fight to the death.

  • Catwoman's Temptation

    Catwoman faces a young Lauren Hedare in attempt to punish the corrupt.

  • Adam and Eve

    Set in Superman II. Superman has depowered the Kryptonian criminals and gets ready for their punishment.

  • The Marine: True Justice

    Set in The Marine 2006 Film...Angela survives being thrown into a windshield and plots her revenge against Triton. Will she get what she deserves?

  • I've Been a Bad Girl

    The 1994 Live Action Flintstone Movie from Ms. Stone's POV. Set in an alternate universe. Ms. Stone's character is WAY more evil in this fanfic. Changing her from a henchgirl turned good to a henchgirl turned maniacal villain.

  • Where's The Fun in That?

    Karla fights her long time nemesis Axel Foley. She has him fight right where she wants him. She could kill him, but where's the fun in that?