

  • The Breakfast Club: One Direction AU

    Larry, Ziam, and Niall. A 1D spin off of the famous '80s movie, The Breakfast Club.

  • Operation: Tough Love

    Newt is showing signs of learned helplessness and has become depressed. Thomas and his friends are growing concerned. A/U. Happy ending. Lots of cuddles... (also includes Teresa, Alby, nice Gally, Chuck, and Minho.)

  • Touch

    Non-Canon compliant story of the story that is Merlin and Arthur! Will update every Sunday at 8 p.m. western pacific.

  • Tattooed Heart

    Dean and Castiel have a lenghty discussion about Dean's pentagram tattoo and it changes their relationship. [Destiel] [DeanXCas] [MxM] [Slash] [Friends to Lovers]

  • A Day In the Life of Dean, Sam, and Castiel

    24 year old Dean is in charge of taking care of his 6 year old brother Sam after their father passed away. Castiel is Dean's boyfriend who lives with the Winchester brothers in a life of domesticity. This is a typical evening in the Winchester home. [slash] [Destiel] [CasXDean] [MxM] (This will be a series of one shots and can be read alone) [AU-Not Hunters]

  • The Longest Three Hours

    After Riley ends it with Zane...it doesn't take long for him to figure his stuff out and realize what relationship he should be pursuing. [Happy ending, I promise.]

  • Once In A Lifetime

    Oliver's just a bit over protective of his Barry. Requested & written for I.Love.Flash who was very patient and understanding! I hope you enjoy it, friend!

  • November Showers

    Established marriage between Danny and Steve. Attending Matty's funeral and recovering from Wo Fat's psychological torture inflicted on Steve.

  • Redemption

    TASM2: Harry and Peter's relationship that evolved. Peter has had time to mourn Gwen's death, but it's time to rectify his relationship with Harry when he sees that his friend has been through treatment and counselling and has overcome his disease. Asking for forgiveness turns into something much more than just friendship. [Mature] [Parksborn] [Slash] [MxM] [HarryxPeter]

  • Thinking Out Loud

    "What if I want to take your name?" Barry asked. "Then it's yours to take," he promised. Barry smiled and leaned in to kiss him softly on the lips before pulling away. Oliver looked at him fondly then stood up, "Can I have this dance?"

  • If Only I Believed in Soul Mates

    Simon willingly shared how he felt when he trusted you. He lavished you with praise and affection, and made everyone feel like they were worthy to be heard and known. But that was just Simon. Mysterious, ethereal, compassionate Simon. People can't help but be in awe of his beauty, his unapologetic appearance.

  • Guardian Angel

    He was quirky, impressively smart, and kind. Even after strangling him and being nothing but short and rude to him, Barry Allen was still kind and understanding. The kid genius had saved his life.

  • Beside You

    Harry and Peter are married, and after a bit of an argument, Peter reveals to Harry he wants to adopt. This is where they meet Skylar and Charles and the adventures of being their fathers.

  • Our Stars Have No Fault

    "Although his mind connected with Erik's for a short time, his mind was compatible with Erik's. Charles mind could reach toward the other and gently caress and sooth the others rage and anger. Erik's mind was intelligent, self-aware, and full of so much good. Beautiful memories that he had locked away, begging to be released." [Cherik relationship] [Slash] [Charles X Erik]

  • Coming Home

    Just a sweet and fluffy Peter x Harry story I wrote up. I wanted some fluffiness after I went to see The Amazing Spiderman 2 for the second time today. Enjoy!