Element Of One

  • Bye Bye Beautiful

    Pearl falls in love, just as her friend Rose did, and is forced to make a tough decision... (Hearts will break, but there's light at the end of this story...)

  • Then What Can You Be A Part Of?

    Following the events of the episode, "On the Road," Steven arrives back the temple and falls asleep. When he does, he has a horrible nightmare...(FYI Man of Steel influence is present)

  • Disco Lady, Foxy Lady, And One Wild Time

    Following the creation of "Stevonnie," the gems attempt to fuse with Steven by recreating the dance that he had with Connie. However, each Gem has their own style and own way of going about it, as they use Steven's Ipod to recreate the dance. Ultimately, Steven is able to successfully fuse with one of them. Can you guess who?

  • Water Heart

    A short story in honor of "Valentine's Day or Post Valentine's Day" (Which ever you prefer). Steven has an unpleasant valentine's day, as it doesn't turn out like he had anticipated. He finds himself at the bottom of the ocean, only to be discovered by a "friend" who he thought was gone long ago.

  • Rooftop Romeo

    (Crossover) My attempt at making a "Batman/Steven Universe" crossover. I apologize if it's horrible. I've been busy, and will continue to upload more stories. Love it or Hate it, but please enjoy the reading...

  • Kissing Booth Meltdown

    Steven wants a brand new bike, but the gems feel that he should earn it. Amethyst comes up with the idea to set up a lemonade stand at this years "Beach City Parade." In doing so, she devises a plan to get back at her teammate "Pearl", for all of the constant criticism and put downs, which results in Amethyst successfully breaking her. (Just an idea, sorry if you hate it!)

  • You Three Knew I Was In There!

    (Repost) Lapis Lazuli fought against the crystal gems, "with a cracked gem," and she nearly defeated them. What happens when Steven heals her and she refuses to leave? Just how powerful is Lapis lazuli and can she be merciful? Does Lapis have some other purpose for staying in Beach City, other than revenge?

  • Star Lord

    (Marvel Crossover) Steven and his father Greg went to the movie theatres to see, "Guardians of the Galaxy." Steven enjoyed the movie so much that he wants to change his name to "Star Lord." Greg is amused at the idea, but soon realizes that his son is serious. Steven also is infatuated with the musical score of the film, so Greg decides to give him an old "gift"...

  • Saving Steven

    Steven contemplates the direction that his life is heading. As he struggles to face his own mortality, his last remaining companion, "Pearl" will continue to guide him and find what he wants out of life. However, Stevens time with Pearl will ultimately be cut short, but in the process she will have "saved" him in more ways than one. Enjoy! (I edited my story, to make it better)