
stars shine out

  • just run run run away

    "i love you." you whisper to him, because you do. he makes you feel like the girl you want to be, not the girl you're supposed to be. he's your escape. \ Daphne/Fred I, M&MWP, freeverse, all lower case

  • liar liar, heart on fire

    "I don't believe in love." you say, and oh Lily Luna, you're a lying fool. \ Lily/OC \ freeverse

  • Dance Away With My Heart

    Because maybe loosing Lily wasn't the end of the world. Maybe there's something else out there, something more than firewhiskey and cinnamon hearts. \ Dominique/Scorpius \ one-shot

  • circles

    round and around it goes. it's a circle of hatelovehatelovehatelovehate . \ Lily/Lorcan \ freeverse

  • On the Edge

    She's Little Lily Luna, always on the edge, Little Lily Luna, dancing on the edge. You'll learn something from her, Teddy. You'll learn that only the good die young. *Freeverse, not Lily/Teddy, T for character death

  • Life Goes On

    Because summers and winters and falls don't last forever and spring brings change and life goes on. *Aberforth/Augusta, M&MWP, slightly AU, oneshot

  • Everything

    Of course, you can't have everything in life. *Oneshot, Alice/Regulus, M&MWP

  • Rain On Your Parade

    You and Teddy, you're a parade but parades are for children and you're not children anymore. So the clouds roll in and it rains on your parade. *Angsty, unrequited Teddy/Victoire, Teddy/Dominique, Freeverse

  • Can You Hear Them?

    Can you hear them? They're whispering from beyond the veil. Come and learn the secrets of the dead. *Freeverse, 5th year, at the Department of Mysteries, what the 5 students heard

  • 7 Years

    7 years of chaos, 7 years of romantic insanity, 7 years of love love love recorded on bathroom walls. *Freeverse, Victoire/Teddy, as well as other couples

  • Fallen Angel

    Because, in the end, he doesn't want a fallen angel. He wants a princess, and sweetheart, you sure aren't a princess. *Freeverse, onesided Teddy/Victoire

  • Death Row

    You're all on death row, every single one of you. None will be pardoned. The execution may be delayed, but none will escape the sentence. *A tribute to the fallen, freeverse

  • All Grown Up

    Before you know it, you're married and then you're all grown up because now you know he doesn't really love you. *angsty Narcissa/Lucius, Freeverse

  • Unicorn Blood

    He's like unicorn blood –he's mending your broken little heart but he's tearing your soul to pieces. *Freeverse, angsty Lily/Scorpius

  • Bitter Tears & Trampled Expectations

    You thought you had him, didn't you? He was all wrapped around your little finger and then she showed up. *Freeverse, Lucy/Lorcan/Dominique love triangle, in which Lucy gets the boy

  • Peppermint Distraction

    But in the end, you're just a peppermint flavoured distraction, and that's all you'll ever be. **Freeverse, unrequited Teddy/Victoire, Teddy/Roxanne

  • Three Little Words

    The first 3 times James said those three little words to Lily.*Freeverse, Lily/James,

  • All You Wanted Was Everything

    I told you Weasley women were dangerous, didn't I? Those Weasley women, they had a plan. **Scorpius/Rosie, in the end. Freeverse, oneshot

  • Dance, Little Girl

    You know you're not getting the boy, but you turn your pain into passion and you just dance, little girl. **unrequited Lily/Teddy, Teddy/Victoire, Freeverse

  • Give and Take

    Love's a game of give and take, and baby, he sure isn't giving. *Freeverse, oneshot, angsty Lily/Scorpius, but could be almost any couple