
stars shine out

  • foggy little tragedies

    "Hermione, you know I'd love you if I could." Draco finally said softly, "I've tried. But we aren't meant to be like that." / Dramione angst, with mentions of Romione. AU, formerly Couldn't Love You If I Tried

  • Simply Difficult

    What if, during 6th year, Harry had gotten sick of bickering and forced Hermione and Ron to do the thing they found simply difficult. **Romione, with some Hinny. Enjoy!

  • Dare

    Katie and Oliver broke up, and Katie's friends are sick of her moping around. So they come up with a devious plan to get them back together, and Katie does a dare she will never regret.

  • The Letter

    James is out of the country, so Lily is staying with Remus. While she's there, she gets a letter with some rather unexpected news. The question is: will Remus have to blackmail her into telling James? **some Lily/James, no Remus/Lily. oneshot

  • Before We Go

    Before they go into battle, Alicia has to tell Fred she loves him. Unfortunately, it's the last time she sees him alive.

  • Looking Up

    The Yule Ball is coming up, and Katie doesn't have a date. Not because nobody's asked her, but rather because Oliver hasn't asked her. **oneshot