
  • Last night on earth

    Takes place during 1x11. The playroom scene continued and April and Leo get closer as they are both scared it might be his last night on earth.

  • Trick or Treat

    Halloween evening. The Darden boys are still staying with Casey and Kelly comes over to come with Casey as they take the boys trick or treating. One door opens for them with an unexpected person on the other side, a candythief is making Chicago unsafe and the lieutenants actually get tricked! One-shot

  • Out of the Darkness

    While Chicago is rebuilding after the tragedy at the hospital, Gabby is breaking down. Trying to handle the emotions and fears she has after that horrible day, she is getting worse and worse. Can Matt reach out to his love and can he and her family and friends help her out of the darkness she is in? Dawsey.

  • Safe Haven

    1995. Erin Lindsay, a drug addicted teenager, works as an IC for Hank Voight, an policeman trying to become a detective. After she get's in trouble with her dealer, she tries to find a safe haven with Hank Voight, but can he provide it to her while he a tense situation with his wife and he also has to care for his 1-year old son? PREQUEL to the show.

  • She was my best friend

    A funeral, the loss of a friend. Gabby is struggling, struggling with the loss of her friend. Struggling, because the friend she lost, was her best friend. Takes place after in the 6 week gap in 3x1.

  • Memories

    Sequel to 'Remember Me'. Jay is recovering, he and Erin are slowly adjusting to life again while there is a baby on the way. Can he overcome all the struggles that come with the care for the newborn? How will Erin deal with the new family life? Will the baby bring them closer together or ultimately tear them apart?

  • When Roads End

    Bad diagnoses are bad to give and even worse to get. When a doctor receives one himself, the whole diagnostic department is shaken up. Can he deal with it when all hope is gone and can he find the support he needs to most now? Chase and House - no slash. No other pairings.

  • Guilt and Innocence

    Matthew Casey's life is finally going well, he is happy with his girlfriend, Gabriela Dawson, and his mom stays out of trouble...until she doesn't. Nancy is not only risking her own freedom with neglecting the rules of parole but also risking her son's freedom and career. Can Matt not only keep his mom out of trouble but himself as well?

  • Lionheart

    Part one of the Night out series. Kelly and Erin's night out. By opening their hearts to each other and talking and overcoming their fears, they grow closer.

  • Second Chances

    Everybody wishes for a second chance, to make something up. To do something right that has been done wrong before. While treating 11-year old Marcus, Robert Chase is faced with a situation that is similair to his own past. Nobody helped him back then, but can he safe this boy from the past he has lived?

  • The Talk

    Matt and Gabby are getting married in a week and in the wake of the wedding Antonio decides it is time to talk with Matt about how protective he is about his sister, but during the boxing that was supposed to be friendly, things accidently get out of hand. Will it have consequences for the wedding? ONESHOT.

  • What are you waiting for?

    After an explosion on a scene could have ended fatal, Matt wants to spend time with his love. But when he takes her on a date, it almost goes wrong...until something unexpected happens! Dawsey, oneshot, post season 2 finale.

  • Shards

    Gabby and Matt are getting ready to move in their new place, but Matt has still some stuff to sort out before he can start over. To take or the throw away? With all the things from his past, it is not going to be an easy job. Dawsey. One-shot

  • Remember me

    Erin and Jay have been dating each other secretly and are ready to tell the world about their relationship. But then something happens...and everything changes. Love is a strong, beautiful thing, but is it resistant to the incident tearing the lovers apart? Beside their love, can intelligence unit even take a stand in the worst times?

  • Can't live without you

    Post 2X20. After the explosion Gabby and Matt try to get back to normal life. Gabby is recovering from the events and Matt realizes he was very close to losing her that day. He decides to show his love for her. Dawsey. One shot.

  • Where Dreams Come True

    Matt and Gabby take Diego and Eva to Disneyland in Florida so Matt also can get a little closer with her niece and nephew. Familytime & Dawsey. One-shot.

  • New Place, New Memories

    Matt and Gabby finally got their own place and are moving in together, but before they can live in their new house, some work and painting as to be done! Can the lovers find a little bit of fun in the work that has to be done? One-shot.

  • Traces

    When Antonio goes missing after a raid on a gang, they must do everything they can to find him. But can they find him in time when there is no trace to start from? Shippings: Laura/Antonio, Later also Erin/Jay.

  • Does your daddy know?

    Jay has been dying to ask Erin out for dinner, but never dared to ask her because of Voight. But now he finally finds the courage and asks her. What will the night bring for them? M-rated. One-shot.

  • Pink or Blue

    Gabby and Matt are expecting their first child and while they are bickering and discussing about the gender and the name of their little miracle a big surprise comes their way. Oneshot