
  • Love comes in many forms

    Andy Darden is a proud father as his first son is born. His friends Casey and Severide come for a maternity visit, both in a different stage of life. Can it change Severide's wild lifestyle? Does this encourage Matt to start his own family? Oneshot. Also contains Andy & Heather Darden.

  • Through Smoke and Ashes

    A giant disaster hits O'hare airport after multiple bombs go off and CFD and CPD get called to scene but the men lose each other inside and inside a giant chaos is awaiting them. Can they help people, can they all get out safely? It not long before both lieutenants are fighting for their lives! Mostly Sevasey Friendship

  • Pouch's shift

    It is not just the firefighters and the EMTs that are in the firehouse almost every day, there is also Pouch! A shift in the life of Pouch!

  • Six Months

    As Matthew and Gabby have their six month anniversairy, they have a really great night together. Oneshot. M rated

  • Losing it all

    1997. Nancy Casey divorced her husband for a reason. After years of struggling the family is adjusting to their new lives after the divorce. But when Nancy loses control after a special night, Matthew and Christie lose it all. One shot.

  • Wishes come true

    The third and final part of the night out series. Laura and Antonio go out for a night and make a decision, which makes a wish come true, but not just for them a wish comes true that evening.

  • Baby blue

    Part two of the night out series! An accident leads to dinner and dinner leads to the future on this Dawsey night out...

  • Out On The Weekend

    Matt and Gabby thought that moving in together would give them a lot of time together, but with Gabby being busy with her training to become a firefighter and Matt back to work, they find out they never been so wrong. Luckily they get a weekend off to go to cabin and they can finally make up for the time they missed each other.

  • All is gone

    The building exploded with the responders 51 still inside the building. That day changed everything for firehouse 51. All lifes are changed after this call and can they deal with the consequences and the loss of one of their own? Takes place immediately after the season 2 finale, 'Real Never Waits'

  • Brothers

    One Shot, prequel to the movie. Jake Sully hates two things, birthdays and his twin brother. Tommy has everything that Jake can only dream about and on their mutual birthday, he can only think about his brother but the thought changes in contact when his brother suddenly shows up.

  • Hangovers

    Matthew Casey is getting married and the night before his marriage his fellow firefighters arrange him a bachelor party. Will Matt still be able to get married the next morning or was the party a little bit too exuberant?

  • Ember can start a fire

    Matt and Gabby have been married for the past 2 years. They have wishes, dreams and hope for a family but will those wishes come true? A call changes everything but they are still struggling with the past too. How will their lives change over the years ? Same format as Pink and blue makes purple!

  • Shot in the Snow (REWRITTEN)

    REWRITTEN - This story takes place during/after episode 1x19. Remember the shot in the promo that never ended in the episode? Yes, the one where the tugs point a gun at Casey. What if it had ended up in the episode?

  • Sound and Silence

    SEQUEL to All is gone. Long after the explosion everybody has moved on. Matt and Gabby are trying to enjoy their marriage but a decision of one of the two is bringing new struggles on their path. Shay and Rafferty are enjoying their family life, but think about expanding their family and changing their lives while Kelly is just trying to belong in a family.

  • Undercover gone wrong

    Erin and Jay are dating each other, trying to hide it on the job but happy with each other. They are undercover to get proof on a dangerous drugdealer that got 3 innocent girls killed, but end up in danger themselves. Can they get through this together? LINSTEAD

  • Fighting through the past

    A horrible accident on the job leaves Casey in a coma. Not being able to wake up, he has to fight for his life and face his past in his own conciousness while Gabby isn't even sure if she will ever get a chance to talk to him again and make up the fight they had before the accident. The firehouse faces major consequences after the accident, especially one member of truck.

  • Pink and blue makes purple

    Multi-chaptered sequel to Pink or Blue. Matt and Gabby are almost parents now but when the babies are born, how will their first steps into parenthood go?

  • Baby steps

    Leo had his surgery and has a long recovery ahead of him, just like April. But with baby steps at the time, they both hope to get better. Together.

  • Healing Scars

    Burgess is starting in the intellegence unit as she comes back to work after being shot. She has Adam and the job she has always wished for, but the memories and the scars of being shot keep haunting her and it is gets in the way of her relationship and her job. Can she heal herself and get comfort and help fast enough before it all falls apart?

  • Fixing more than just the sink

    Chicago Fire 3x15. Matt comes over to fix the sink but after Gabby offers to put his clothes in the dryer, they fix more than just the sink.