Mystifying Roses

  • Under a Waterfall

    Ichihime was excited to show her husband the custom of standing under a waterfall. Caesar, on the other hand, has plans involving his wife, and they're not exactly innocent.

  • Mitsuhide the Sufferer

    A drabble collection of Mitsuhide and his constant companion: Suffering. Naturally there is some Caesar/Ichihime too.

  • Love Advice

    Nobukatsu has fallen in love, but doesn't know what to do. So, he decides to seek some advice on love. And the only one he can turn to is his brother-in-law, Gaius Julius Caesar, the one who proudly declares his love for his sister, Ichihime. Anytime, anywhere. [AU/What-if story; slight Caesar/Ichihime]

  • The Two Stars

    Ichihime of the East agreed to marry General Caesar of the West to save her clan. This should just be a political marriage, but affections grow. They have no idea just how their union of East & West would affect the upcoming battle and the fate of both of the Stars. [Divergent fic]

  • Caesar & Ichihime the Lovers

    A drabble collection for Caesar/Ichihime.

  • Her Name

    Mikono has told Kagura to not call her Sylvie, but there is sometimes when he does. [Kagura/Mikono]

  • Arthur's Face

    Caesar and Alexander have an argument about who Arthur is. Who will win? Kinda crack. A little Caesar/Ichihime too.